Ritesh Agarwal   (ritswrites)
394 Followers · 25 Following

_Cheerful, happy, sarcastic, comedian, dancer, traveller,CA, Meditator
Joined 4 January 2017

_Cheerful, happy, sarcastic, comedian, dancer, traveller,CA, Meditator
Joined 4 January 2017
4 MAR 2022 AT 20:29

Hi Guys, since your quote is going premium, if any of you would want to read any of my writings further whether past or future , do follow on Instagram -

(DP with two cats dancing)


1 JAN 2022 AT 22:13

It's you
The one for whom I smile after wake up,
With that weird expression which is made up,
Oh! the feelings all popping when I look into those eyes,
would want to see forever like they are my sunrise,
You know I love you more, from time of that stolen gaze,
My world has stopped moving since, only to find myself in a maze,
the maze which gives me comfort,
gives me light and gives me love,
it gives me the power to love you more,
the power that's derived from your love,
So it's better to be lost in your maze forever..
Why would I want to solve it when I know ,
the dreamt happiness is within I saw,
Who said magic has to be a lie or deceiving?
It's the truth that we are together forever,
Fighting each other, being each other's lover ..

I wonder still , if this all is a dream,
How could I make my luck so sure,
But then when I see those eyes of yours,
Who cares reality, when the dream is so pure ..
I love you


17 OCT 2021 AT 0:38

मैंने राह पर खड़े रहकर तकना है तुम्हें,
मेरे सपनों की गलियों में तुम आओ तो सही,
आने की जो वो तुम्हारी आहट होगी,
मेरे धड़कन की देखना वहीं रफ्तार होगी,
एक जगमगाती रोशनी चौखट पर होगी,
पर उससे ज्यादा चमक मेरी आंखों में होगी,
देखो तुम श्याम को आना, वो हल्का सा मुस्काना,
उससे रोशन मेरी सड़कें बिना धुप के भी होगी,
तुम्हारे आने से घर पे बेशक तुम्हारी चहक होगी,
हां मालुम है मुझे माहौल में तुम्हारी ही महक होगी,
अरे हां खाने में तो फिर कुछ तुम्हारी पसंद होगी,
मेरे हाथों के स्वाद में तब तुम नजरबंद होगी,
कुछ पल बैठेंगे साथ, खुबसूरत वो घड़ी होगी,
वो सुई भी जैसे बस एक समय पर अड़ी होगी,
बिन बोले मेरे, सुन लेना तुम जो वो बात होगी,
हसरतों की खुशियों से मुबारक मुलाकात होगी,
हाथों में हाथ ही नहीं, मन की डोर जोड़ी होगी,
मेरे सपनों की गलियों में आखिर तुम जो मेरी होगी,
मेरे सपनों की गलियों में तुम आओ तो सही..


12 SEP 2021 AT 0:04

I can't say how much but I can say from when,
When you ask me if I love you,
I amuse myself as if is it even a question to ask ?Ehh,
my heartbeat gets all jiffy, my eyes roll all shimmy,
the sun is above me yet it feels as if it's all dreamy,
This is the effect you have on me,so..

I make up conversation in my head with you, just to tease you later with them,
And as mostly, you end up responding to the way I thought of, Ahaaa &
I feel my mission is successful !

I would definitely say my universe is you, but then how can I restrict the analogy to such a small part when I know in all the universe, galaxies, fictions, parallel worlds, you're mine and I'm yours..

I often feel to keep you just hidden within me and just keep you with me but then I don't want to be a criminal to take away from nature, the beauty and aura which it derives through you.

I feel as if the butterflies in stomach have always been there, it was just waiting with patience as cocoon to erupt and fly in this cosmic scenery only with you.

So I can say yes, it's not new,
expressing words are only few,
years, decades, millenniums ? naah,
When my soul was born, it was to love you..
Love you then, now and forever..


30 JUL 2021 AT 23:44

Penned Love

Love you is what I want to start with,
That's what it says to you my heartbeat
Thumping my words out,
But can you hear them?
Or you could just hold my hands
And listen to my rushing pulse,
In them, love beating the melody of bands
Drumming the notes of blush
Can't you see my cheeks?
Or you could just kiss them with your lips
Kissing you all over, but first to kiss your soul,
I know your love for me, there is where you keep
Two souls and one body they say
Do you notice why I dip those fries in extra cheese?
I see you smiling with that rabbit teeth,
And ask myself a question
I don't know maybe about the cheese on fries,
but those eyes, it melts my heart and cheese inside
I am like the tough shell on the outside
But there's always a warm room for you,
Where I'll wait for you at the end to come home and hug you
my baby love.


29 MAY 2021 AT 21:53

She asks me to write a poem on her,
How do I describe already a beautiful poetry,
No way to express more than those eyes,
Which are asking me to stay, when hands are saying byes,
It's mincing, the way she captures me in her banter,
Her pretty expressions in between, quite an enchanter,
Stepping in my life like Sunshine on a cloudy day,
Making me glow and sunkissed to sway,
Never spending my minute without you now,
Your heart beating inside me, controlling me as I bow,
Your laughter should be illegal, it's kinda super cute,
You blabbering every feeling while my "oh" "ahem" sounds mute,
I'll pull you close and whisper into your ear,
Telling you it's us, nothing to fear,
As you illuminate my soul,
your love makes my heart pound,
I know now for pretty sure,
my one and only I've found


9 MAY 2021 AT 22:32

बिन बताए मेरे, मन का सवाल बता देती है,
मेरा चेहरा देख मेरी मां मेरा हाल बता देती है।


8 APR 2021 AT 21:11

ऐसी कोई बात तो न थी,
न ही मैंने कुछ छुपाया है,
तो क्या वजह रही होगी,
जो उसने ऐसे दिल दुखाया है ।

ये एहसास ही तो है,
अब आंखों से बहा कैसे दु,
जो हमने ये रिश्ता तो,
बड़ी शिद्दत से निभाया है ।


3 APR 2021 AT 0:26

हकिकत बनके आया,
तु मुझे वो खुबसूरत ख्याल लगता है,
अमावस् को जो रोशन कर दे,
तु ऐसा मुझे कमाल लगता है,
जब से मेरे सच में ,
तेरा साथ शामिल हुआं है,
हर झुठ भी अब,
मुझे बवाल लगता है ।


7 MAR 2021 AT 14:19

"You found parts of me I didn’t know existed and in you I found a love I no longer believed was real
The truth is you never know when you’ll stumble into love"

The above lines are what I read it somewhere and I was wondering how it can be so true.. But then this is what the right love does to you and your aura around- illuminate it with its charm!

You'll understand what type of love you want/deserve and you'll always shower your all love and will do anything to keep it and nourish it more and more. It will not only make you understand love but how to live it and feel the magic like feeling happening not only within you but outside too. The love which you didn't saw coming has now knocked you off your feet.
It's no less than a miracle yet it is the most real!
The love that teaches you love ✨


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