Renjit Varghese   (RV)
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Joined 24 December 2020

Joined 24 December 2020
5 APR 2021 AT 13:51

Noise is easier to ignore than silence...


4 APR 2021 AT 0:06

Still water reveals the dust settled at the bottom. A calm mind reveals the impact of past happenings...


3 APR 2021 AT 4:23

Death somewhere leads to life elsewhere. And thats the order of nature...


2 APR 2021 AT 1:04

When thoughts come down to a trickle, you know you are overworked...


31 MAR 2021 AT 21:55

Spend quality time with imagination. Reality is inescapable anyway. ..


30 MAR 2021 AT 20:16

Life is actually lived somewhere between the high points and the low points...


29 MAR 2021 AT 20:37

How easy is it to survive in a world without '- isms' ? We dread surviving in the open wild world, we end up creating our own safe, private havens and we attack others from our vantage points... And we call this behaviour political correctness.


28 MAR 2021 AT 23:11

Meaninglessness actions, meaningless thoughts, meaningless existence. The search for meaning continues...


27 MAR 2021 AT 17:50

I envy the trees that sway to the tunes of the merry weather. I wish the brightness outside could pierce the darkness within...


26 MAR 2021 AT 18:08

In a world where isolation has become the norm, how I long to get lost in a crowd...


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