REEMA KUSHWAHA   (Reema Kumari)
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Joined 30 October 2017

Joined 30 October 2017
3 JAN 2021 AT 21:55

In day, At night,
In Summer, In winters,
At home, At college,
All around,
In my words,
In my actions,
Within me.....
You are nothing,
other than my


16 JUN 2020 AT 16:13

अपने इरादों को इतना कमज़ोर मत बनाओ कि एक हलके से हवा के झोंके से बिखर जाये , उसे इतना मज़बूत बनाओ कि तूफ़ान भी घुटने टेक दे


5 APR 2020 AT 21:55

★★★ LATE NIGHT ★★★

When the sun sets in the sky,
When the night surrounds thereby,
When the whole world falls asleep,
What's the college doing, late night.....

Perception for late night differ,
Whoever you may refer,
Outside, a general concept prevails,
Therein, late night chatting sails,
Status of everyone is online,
Noone cares about the time.....

But wait, cases aren't the same for all,
Some might be in unrest,due to call,
The call of their dear ones,
The call of all their sacrifices,
The call of their unrevealed dreams,
And the call of awaiting screams......

Late nights are different for all,
Some busy in their dream world,
Some yet struggling in this world.......


29 MAR 2020 AT 13:02

Life isn't about winning or losing at once....
It's all about trying again and again, until you win☺️


24 MAR 2020 AT 22:20

I'm beyond your expectations ☺️
Neither a defination can define me nor an explanation can explain me . I'm the consequence of the hope , patience and tolerance ☺️


17 MAR 2020 AT 23:34


At the midnight,
When whole world is half dead,
I'm awake with my feelings.
Somewhere buried deep in my heart,
The unexpressed emotions want to be penned......

The emotions concealed in my tears,
When I left my home, I know,
Everything won't be same again,
I will be back again and again,
But will be just a guest for the same.....

I was awarded with new world,
A world where strangers all around.
Physical wound hurts me no more,
The Heart is still innocent , sure.
Circumstances made me mentally strong,
Into crystals, tears slowly transformed.
No place for love or hate,
A world of practicality surrounds yet.......

Amidst all these challenges, I had,
Confidence persists in my eyes,
Makes my heart relax,
There's someone accompanying me,
Who takes cares of me and guides me,
Through rugged terrain of my life,
Under whose shed, I survive......... ||


7 JAN 2020 AT 19:22

★★★ TEARS ★★★

Arrival of tears,
Not a sign of fear,
Whomever may be ,tall or small,
Secret can't be understand by all...

It's just a simple way,
Making mind to say,
Feeling fit and fine,
I will definitely shine...

Enables to see reality,
Also to judge the quality,
Washes unusual expectations,
Encourages to do valuable creations...

Makes to feel comfortable,
Stand straight and stable,
Strengthen the courage,
Referring all as roughage...

Tears are beneficial,
Tries to make us essential,
Arrival of tears,
Not a sign of fear...


4 JAN 2020 AT 12:59

Keep a clear-cut concept about your goal ,then you will never ever be deviated ☺️


17 DEC 2019 AT 11:22

No-one is interested to know about your struggle unless and until you become successful


4 DEC 2019 AT 22:21

अपनी ये हसीन दोस्ती कैसे हम दर्शाएँ ,
या यूँ कहूँ , दर्शाने की क्या जरूरत ,
भावनाएँ एक दूसरे की बिन कहे ही समझ जाएँ ,
या यूँ कहूँ , हमें शब्दों की क्या जरूरत ,
जरूरत हैं सिर्फ एक बात की ,सिर्फ एक बात की ,
गुज़रे हुए लम्हों और तुम दोनो के साथ की ,
माना वक्त के पास वक्त ना रहा ,
लेकिन यूँ ही मंजिल मिलती कहाँ ,
दोस्ती की हैं , कोई समझौता नहीं ,
तुमसे ही मेरी बगिया में फूल खिलतें कहीं ,
यूँ न रूठो हमसे , सारा जहान रुठ जाएग,
हम जब रुठेगें तो फिर कौन मनाएगा ||



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