Random Stranger   (fp.writes)
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Joined 29 May 2019
7 JUN 2021 AT 12:30

Sometimes when feelings get
too much, a sensory overload,
an onslaught of emotions,
all I crave is that sweet
sweet numbness to wrap
me up and swallow me whole.

The numbness makes the
hurting stop and that's all
I ever ask for.

Be numb to the pain.


2 JUN 2021 AT 2:13

Come touch my soul, I'm bare,
I'm alive.
Come rip my heart, I'm ready,
I thrive.
Come feel my hands, I'm here,
For you baby, just for you.

Let the story of us,
Two women,
Madly in love,
Be the subject of sonnets
And stories,
We're a celebration,
We're a declaration,
We're lovers,
We're fighters,
But mostly,
We're just two humans madly in love.


2 JUN 2021 AT 2:01

Each of us is a little broken, a little lost, searching for some pieces to make us whole, to make us feel like those countless others who seem to be so free in their happiness.

I wonder though, if accepting our incompleteness is our liberation?


2 JUN 2021 AT 1:54

Oh dear life,
I know your nature now,
I see through you.
Your little acts of aggression,
your faked moments of mercy.
I'm not fooled by your games,
your mind tricks, your deceit.

You love this, don't you?
Seeing me suffer through a hell
I never asked for.
I can feel your smirk from all
the way here, I'm a just a human
and you're a god with powers
beyond any mortal's reach.
So you sit on your throne,
with a puff of pipe and roll
the dice to decide my fate.

Your delightful laughter echoes
in empty chambers when misery
comes my way.

So yes life, I know who you are.

A bitch, that's who.
A heartless one at that.


16 MAY 2021 AT 9:15

I stood frozen, suddenly numb towards everything happening around. I was in a wedding yet the chatter of the happy crowd drowned under the weight of my inner thoughts.
I didn't acknowledge as the stranger brushed past me, their words only an echo whispering in my ears now.

Because I had been in only one place last night:

My coffin.

This person could see me.


16 MAY 2021 AT 8:58


"Why did you contact me?"

You sincerely hoped that this wasn't some criminal and that you weren't being tracked by a satellite with a missile closing in on your location.

But the repsonse you got was far worse than even being killed by a military weapon.

/Full story in the caption (Reader's perspective)/


14 MAY 2021 AT 20:55

Poemicrotale: A Glass of Beer or Me

You said you loved me, cherished me, cared for me.
Yet every night, when you came to my house, drunk and lost, and needy and pushy, did you think I enjoyed it?

Did you think I wanted it?

I didn't want to be with your inebriated, hazy mind but your gentle, sobre self.

You weren't professing your love for me, only lust.

The alcohol just shielded you from your own inconsiderate self.

And then you ask me why I left you.

It's clear, the answer.

I loved you but you?

You loved something more than me.


9 MAY 2021 AT 23:44

Slit my throat, I dare you.
I won't die, I won't choke.
Instead I'll collect all the blood in my hands,
Paint a canvas in total anguish,
And I'll remain immortal in that art,
As a masterpiece of sorrow.

This isn't the silence of the damned,
This is cursed piece of an avenger.


10 APR 2021 AT 20:11

I'm sorry but which hell
are you talking about?
Because this right here,
this world, it's hell.
And you can't change my mind about it.


5 MAR 2021 AT 2:04

You know what's terrible?
It's the fact that when I tell you
to cry me a river, it's not
hyperbole, because the sorrow
I see in your heart can make
you weep even an ocean.


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