rahul :)   (Your Own Thoughts ®)
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Joined 4 April 2018
20 AUG 2020 AT 22:14

May be it's "everything is fair in love and war"
everyone wasn't fair to others in love or before war!


14 AUG 2020 AT 21:35

It would always rain ,
If clouds carried our grief !


14 AUG 2020 AT 21:01

I sleep under the sky
In the reflected light of sun
and often wonder
If only sky was transaprent
to the naked eye
The stars actually
would feel much closer
and our talks would be easier!

Many question me why dont you talk
to the moon instead
which is much closer
But again even those who asks this
always tend to wait
for farther ones who aren't for them
than walking beside the ones closer to them!


9 AUG 2020 AT 23:20

Lines on my hand Showing that
love isn't staying with me forever!

(Full piece In the caption)


7 AUG 2020 AT 0:34

And yet again
I encounter
The same routine
Boring prompts ,
No prompt excites me
These days
to take my pen up
Think and write
Something on it !

Yet today i seek
To write a poem
Based on the same ,
Not writing on the
Old boring prompts
While writing one on it!

Now i wonder may be
Those lines were repeated
For a reason
To make you think
of a different way
for the same words
That you already have a
Fixed Thought about!


5 AUG 2020 AT 23:56

We think they just
popped out instantly
But its not true!


4 AUG 2020 AT 23:54

You loved my broken heart
But i cant love you back
and in return for you
I will let it be the same
always broken!


3 AUG 2020 AT 23:49

"Let me lie to you
With rhythmic versus
Then Let me slay you down
With words like knifes !

Let me bury you
In the horror of nights
And Let me again wake you
With the brisk of sunshine!"

Wrote the life!


2 AUG 2020 AT 22:28

That pours down
Without thinking
of others who are
effected by it
Like sometimes
Our uncontrollable
True emotions
That just flow down
No matter what!


1 AUG 2020 AT 23:16

I wonder
When did this start?
What is with "peace "?
why its not with many ?
Will it vanish forever one day ?

I did some research to find when and why it goes away from one ..

It goes away from war ,
and hides somewhere far from war!
may be any physical war with others
or psychological war with oneself!

Whom to hold responsible for this? I question.
How to bring peace back? I wonder !.

And I land on the real question
Where to start with , when it never did exist always with everyone !!


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