Raghavi πŸ–€ Β  (Raghavi)
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Joined 22 June 2020

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Joined 22 June 2020
17 OCT 2020 AT 10:40

My friend asked me to describe about her Friendship with me ...
I said , " if I were Mr.Bean then your are my teddy who is always there for me ! "


16 OCT 2020 AT 23:06

Keep going.. even if you feel alone because the universe will send you a stranger who will help you to be successful...


15 OCT 2020 AT 23:19

Be honest with what you are doing in your life. It will return with success you deserve. Never give up..


14 OCT 2020 AT 8:17

You are loved. You are protected.
You are capable to achieve your goals.
You are being guided. Then why do doubt yourself?? Success is yours. Keep going!


13 OCT 2020 AT 11:27

You are being loved and respected for who you truly are. Remain the true you. Right people will meet you in no time. When you realize it you will thank yourself for being yourself ! Just keep going...


12 OCT 2020 AT 12:15

Puzzled in the silence ,
Lost being in confusion ,
Wandering in the dark,
Nothing was everything,
Unknown fear of future ,
Worst nightmare of past,
Life being directionless .
Trapped in the mind;
that conflicted the heart ,
made the present difficult.


11 OCT 2020 AT 23:55

The happiest photos brings the saddest tears...


10 OCT 2020 AT 16:41

The moment," nothing makes sense ; everything will make sense!!"


10 OCT 2020 AT 10:04

Whenever you think you are worthless, remember there are people silently being inspired by you whom you don't know. Maybe they can be a stranger or close loved one.
Be an inspiration!! Keep moving forward!!!


10 OCT 2020 AT 9:58

If you can trust someone who says "You can't" ,then why not trust yourself that "You can ! "


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