Priyansh Mishra   (प्रियांश)
1.9k Followers · 6.8k Following

Simple living and high thinking will give you success in your life
Joined 30 May 2021

Simple living and high thinking will give you success in your life
Joined 30 May 2021
2 JUL 2021 AT 8:22

🌳Evergreen Environment🌳

Trees are our life and leaves are green
Air is pure and gives us oxygen for
Sun is bright and sky is blue
Birds twit and our environment become sweet
Plants grow in our surroundings
People feels very happy to create bindings
Human afforesting trees in the jungle
Rain comes and we feel very humble
Nature goes good and good for us
For providing better resources to our future generations
Environment is very auspicious for us
So do not pollute our environment in bad manners



19 JUN 2021 AT 8:53

In every moment of our life we have understood many different things those are very auspicious for us to do good in life.


18 JUN 2021 AT 21:21

सब कुछ छोड़ अपने लक्ष्य की ओर अग्रसर होना


18 JUN 2021 AT 21:16

Give up because of my continuously preparation for my aim


18 JUN 2021 AT 10:13

Of love, happiness, smart work and my self-reliance.


18 JUN 2021 AT 10:00

People are like chameleon that changes his/her nature in a moment.


18 JUN 2021 AT 9:28

When your syllabus got fully completed😎😏


17 JUN 2021 AT 17:29

भुल जाओ वो दासताँ हमारे इश्क की
ख्वाबो के महफिल से अब बाहर आओ

भुल जाऊँगा वो प्यार मोहब्बत की बातें
गुमनाम जब रहा करता था मैं तुम्हारे प्यार में


17 JUN 2021 AT 9:33

Do first that is meditation that's very good for health and running that's also make our body fit, mentally and physically and then some exercises. These are the things that makes my whole day very easy and comfortable.


17 JUN 2021 AT 9:16


💗💚आरंभ से अनन्त तक का रास्ता,
बीज़ से विशाल वृक्ष तक का सहारा,
लक्ष्य की नीव से प्राप्ति तक का आधार,
दुख से सुख तक के सफर का किनारा,
अंधकार से प्रकाश तक का उजियारा,
कलियों से फूलों की महक तक का
खुशनुमा सा एक प्यारा सा सितारा है
#परिवार ।💙💙💛💛


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