Priyankar De   (Priyankar De)
130 Followers · 98 Following

Love to learn and learning to be perfect
Joined 23 July 2018

Love to learn and learning to be perfect
Joined 23 July 2018
18 OCT 2023 AT 21:03

I asked Lord,"Why are you letting my favourite people suffer? "
He answered-" Your actions are to be blamed".
Right you are, Lord. But please be Merciful O Lord! Don't let the flames of my grief downpour my beloved's mind. Let all my happiness wrap her life into wonders of blossom.
Let my associates have the shield of optimism,
That will protect them from my gloominess;
As the air brings for all the rain of euphoria
But fate gifted me umbrella to enfold in misery.
May the Autumnal music of elation fill their life with hilarity
And instead strike upon me the Zeus's wrath
To kick the bucket at the gorge of Bermuda.


20 SEP 2023 AT 11:56

Never can l get back a touch to feel
The meaning of every colour;
White, red, blue and even black
Can ever come to tell the inner meaning.
People always say life grows with every baby steps;
But may be an adult can't step further
And enjoy like a baby's dayout.
Never can l pray to any energy present or Omnipresent
Who listens to everyone;
As Your universal creations resides with everything temporary,
That it's difficult to even devote and seek something.
Life with the growth of technology
Has made us calculative and measuring;
Ever l count with a calculator,
And detect like a scanner,
The results are always- You are a virus!
With elements to kill and ultimately get neutralized because-
You are a Malware! Error 404!
You are of no need.
O Fate! Thank you for creating
As l don't know what it's always
To be or not to be.


3 SEP 2023 AT 8:56

eternal sun glowing which glades
In cloudy and dusky layer.
You are born to let the world shade
Through the beauty of mayer
And grow within the wood of maire.


29 NOV 2022 AT 0:10

In the hard times of life, let's gather the courage to bring in the economy of freshness- a spirit of believing in the joy of creativity, the vision of letting the lotus grow out of mud and let the growth bloom petal and petal and with my love and openess build a beautiful candour.


27 SEP 2022 AT 10:54

Nature gifted us one life and time completed with surviving and struggling elements to complete the journey of life.
But as flower is incomplete without sepals, pistils, petals and stamens, this life is incomplete without knowledge, humanity, motivation and compassion.
Knowledge describes about the fact that everyone human being gains for self-development, learning the prospects of life.
Humanity is the generosity that every individual receives for the excellence of personal and social life in a collective manner.
Motivation is the process through which every individual goes to understand the aim of the life.
But most important is compassion. Compassion helps in understanding the values of the present, it arises the love for both the self and for the others and in the moments of struggle, it creates the world of mindfulness.
Let us build altogether, through the lens of nurturing capabilities, a life based on these pillars for the effective management of the whole Universe.


19 SEP 2022 AT 21:24

Let's initiate to bring sustainability
In the world with everygreen thoughts of positivity.
Let's understand the gaps in every step and fill it with the cement of unity that strongly helps to overcome limitations.
Let's understand the process of creating something unique within the dialectical process of interaction and add values of determination to make our life, the world and the whole environment to be a chain of rationality.


14 AUG 2022 AT 14:46

তুমি স্বপ্ন না হয়ে বাস্তবে এখন!
আছে তোমরা সাথে তোমার স্নিগ্ধ মুহূর্ত,
আছে তোমার সাথে তোমার প্রগতির কারণ,
দেরি করো না এই সত্য বুঝতে,
বর্তমানে নেই কোন অবরোধ।
সময় নিষ্ঠুর কিন্তু সে বোঝে
মনের ইতিহাসে বসে ছিল যে সুন্দর রূপ
তা আজ ও চিরসবুজ!
তাই সময় আজ কবিতার এই সুরে গাইছে
মিলনের গান;
এবার মিলে যাও আনন্দে,ভুলে সকল শোকের ছায়া
এবার বুঝে যাও সব অভিমানের বাঁধা সরিয়ে
অটুট বন্ধনের মায়া,
প্রকৃতি চায় চিত্রকর বানাতে আসুক সেই ছবি,
থাকবে পূর্ণিমার চাঁদ, তার শীতল স্পর্শের নীচে
এক ঐতিহাসিক অনুরাগের গল্প।


14 AUG 2022 AT 13:43

That optimizes with the lessons of moments,
With the backup mode of learning,
And functions with the energy of progression.


9 AUG 2022 AT 9:09

The sun just waits to paint a glorious morning,
With the rain and the cloudy effect,
The day seems to be adding colours
And bringing the refreshing light of hope.
Wish you a nice begining with the songs of the shining Nature,
And make you feel the connection with the brightness of a wonderful day.


30 JUL 2022 AT 10:13

নতুন দিবসের স্পর্শে মুছে যায় কালো,
আজকের দিন মনে করে মন হয়ে ভালো।
আজ সখ্যতাকে অনুভব করার দিন,
সেই উজ্জ্বল নিবিড় যোগাযোগের দিন।
তাই জানায় আন্তরিকভাবে মনের আনন্দে,
সর্বদা মঙ্গল হোক, বিজয় হোক তোমার
তুমি থাকো সর্বদা সানন্দে ।


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