Priyanka Bhardwaj  
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Joined 30 August 2016

Joined 30 August 2016
22 JAN 2019 AT 17:32

कहुं तो मैं कहुं क्या? सुनोगे मेरी ये दास्ताँ? सुन कर यह तो नहीं सोचोगे की भूल जाऐ इसे सदा? और सुनते हुए बीच मे टोकने तो नहीं लगोगे? क्या पता अपनी दास्ताँ सुनाने लग जाओ! मेरी कहानी सुनते हुए सो तो नहीं जाओगे ना? या फिर वॉश्‌रूम्‌ जाने का बहाना तो नहीं ढूँढोगे! अरे..किसी और का फोन मत उठाना! मत बोलो कि थक गए आज ऑफिस में | ये तो मत कहना कि खाने का कुछ आर्डर कर देते हैं बात सुनते सुनते| और हाँ मेरे को भी मत कहना कि बात बताते - बताते रसोई से कुछ खाने का ले आऊं |कोई गीत तो नहीं गुन-गुनाने लग जाओगे ना? हमारे सपनो की बातें भी मत करना |हाँ, सांस तो ले सकते हो तुम !
तो सुनो मैं क्या कहना चाहती हूं |
अरे..सुन तो रहे हो ना तुम!


11 JUL 2017 AT 13:45


तुम 50 कि हो के भी
मेरी दोस्त हमददृ बन जाती हो,
मेरी खुशी मे हँसती मुस्कराती,
संघषृ मे हिम्मत बन जाती हो !

अपनी बाहों को झूला बना के,
मेरे को हवा से मिलाती हो,
थाम के उंगली चलना सिखा के,
ज़मीन से परिचय करवाती हो!

तुम 50 कि हो के भी
मेरी दोस्त हमददृ बन जाती हो !

मेरी रोशनी जब दूर होती है,
तुम उजाला छान के लाती हो,
ज़िंदगी के यथाथृ मे,
तुम मेरी परी बन जाती हो !

तुम 50 कि हो के भी
मेरी दोस्त हमददृ बन जाती हो !


9 NOV 2016 AT 18:15

I saw a little trunk decorated with little mirrors,little locks.I fell in love with that Trunk.I started dreaming that how it'll look in my room,how I'll put my wishchits into it,how I'll pick one wishchit each day and will fulfil my wish everyday.Happily,I went to the storekeeper and asked the price for that Trunk.He told me the amount which was not in my budget.I decided to give up for that moment.I dreamt of My Little Trunk everyday. I collected enough amount and went to the shop after a month.It was there only.I purchased it.As I promised,I put it in my room, dropped 365 wishchits and picked one chit each day.Gradually, it became my schedule to see that trunk,open it, pick the wishchit and fulfil my wish.It went for a week.
And now I don't see that 'Little Trunk' anymore.I don't feel excited. I don't admire it.
Someone saw me too.He fell in love with me.He started dreaming about me.He struggled to get me.He admired me,loved me.Gradually,he lost his Interest in me.And He Left me.
What is the "'Trunk's" fault?
What is 'My' fault?



2 NOV 2016 AT 17:17


When we were infant,we Struggle to speak up.We struggle to move our tongue in a way that voice escapes through our lips.We struggle to vibrate our vocal chords so that sound can be produced.We know what we are feeling,but we don't know alphabets,words, sentences.We struggle to Express ourselves.


When we are adults,at times,we Struggle.We struggle to speak up,to move our tongue,to vibrate our vocal chords.We know what we are feeling and we know the alphabets,words, sentences.Yet,we struggle to Express ourselves.


23 OCT 2016 AT 22:40

Stay There.

When you feel happy,just stay there. Don't go back,don't go forward.Don't try to make it normal again and don't try to make a future.
If holding hands made you feel close & happiest,just Hold Hands.Don't feel her lips ever.Don't feel his heartbeats ever.Don't try for the Perfection because it'll never make you feel happy the way,holding hands together made you feel.
If you'll go back,you'll not be happy and it'll vanish.
If you'll go in future,you'll seek that happiness and it'll vanish.

May be,Holding hands and Laughing Together is your Perfection.
May be,This is your kind of Love.

So just STAY HERE.


22 OCT 2016 AT 23:43

Ink my soul.


12 OCT 2016 AT 22:33

You are not alone if you have MEMORIES.


12 OCT 2016 AT 22:22

Mother : I've a DATE today.
Daughter : Even I'm going on a DATE today.

One was going for the Divorce date in High Court.
Other was going for the Love date in High Cafe.


27 SEP 2016 AT 21:46

I hate small talks.I'd rather sleep.

Google card popped up : Martyred's family had a small talk with him before the Attack.


24 SEP 2016 AT 1:20

You know what..they will Leave you. The ones who promise you Forever, who are your First Love,who makes you feel Love as an Oxygen,who Completes you,with whom you've imagined life's every Happiness.
They Will Leave You...


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