Priyadharsini Vilaskumar  
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Joined 23 March 2019

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Joined 23 March 2019
6 NOV 2022 AT 23:29

If not - kindly look back the day
when have you pleased
every so called faces
for their is thy case -
which simply do takes
every ease of your eyes
that rushes the lids to peace
for that is when thy soul
learns not to please
each & every face that cross
for can one never be great
to all that comes the way!!!


6 NOV 2022 AT 23:10

this is what they need!
be on your toes -
for neither a plea
nor a clue to repose
that your heart do entwine
with a great deal that oppose
all that you fairly suppose
in every dos and don'ts
a hankering heart that surpass
only for them who
all way lulls thy soul !!!


30 MAR 2022 AT 23:29

Being left alone
with your thoughts -
is when you fill up
those blank lengthy pages
of few unsettled steps;
that once shackled
every doable way at sight!
for it endorse to step up
over & over -
but more firm
this time!!!


30 MAR 2022 AT 22:22

In the dwam before sleep,
My heart fall so deep -
counting those fantastical fancies of
you & me!
holding treasures of thriving bliss;
together in love is when & where
we cherish us more & more
for we ought to define
those minute frames of
heavenly delight!!!


4 DEC 2021 AT 19:55

I literally find no way to ponder
holding those memories
bouncing with greys & blues
a tinch of those joys of spring, as well;
haunting in the dark -
so deeper & so longer!!!


4 DEC 2021 AT 18:33

What is in my mind?
If not pleased,
where does it lay?
so muddled & mused!
hopping through chaos
Yet, hankering those whims & hopes,
A much needed break-
is what it highly do elects...
My poor, helpless mind!!!


30 MAY 2021 AT 3:02

those stars that
no way glints at me;
adding glee to my sight
for I know them
as my thoughts at night
are more brilliant
on seeing the moon
much more polite -
with those glishtening sparks
that carries me
to enjoy the ecstasy
of my own company
alike a moon, which is alone -
yet, amuses everyone around!


30 MAY 2021 AT 2:34

what do you gain
by nailing those
frames of love
which is of vain -
that do simply lasts
with no genuine hold...?
I Wonder!!!


24 MAY 2021 AT 1:58

Engrossed by those -
dazed out thoughts
is where her eyes dozed off;
from not letting her capture
the sharp prospect of her,
overlong awaiting dreams
for she trembles...
as she started finding ease -
while she idled away her hours!
Yet, she very well knew
that someday her eyes will
finely adore her own success
for not being too weary
on every missteps of hers...!


14 MAY 2021 AT 1:43

From then to now -
amidst life's every seasons
fused with care & comfort,
she deftly holds me in
with each bits of love -
that for sure; will echo the epoch
fairly as 'friendship' which
brought us this far!
Its been a while since we've met
yet, those words even unsaid
counts & carry us
more & more closer
for some bonds are
a beautiful promise that
beautifies each of
life's phases 'forever'!
Yeah! being there for eachother
we not only share the memories
of nine long years; but
for all those happiest memories
that we are to create
gripping along always -
for this bond is 'eternal'!


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