Priya Vasishta   (प्रिया)
549 Followers · 7 Following

Writer. Poet. Humanist. Dreamer. Mom. Free Spirit.
Joined 30 December 2016

Writer. Poet. Humanist. Dreamer. Mom. Free Spirit.
Joined 30 December 2016
4 DEC 2021 AT 23:10

"Instant gratification or emotional connect?"

"हमबिस्तर या हमसफर?"


28 NOV 2021 AT 21:59

Do you react to life
Or does life
Respond to you?


27 OCT 2021 AT 11:04

The most painful lessons are the ones that you need the most. So then, thank the universe for these with all your heart.
And, reflect within till you get the answer,
What it is that the universe wants you to learn.

The ones who caused a churn in the innermost recesses of your soul are the ones you thank the most; for they drew out of you the "dirt", the feelings, which were hidden and caused you to suffer, so you could finally see these feelings for what they are and do the work to get rid of them from your life.


29 SEP 2021 AT 21:23

I embrace the good
And the bad in me.
I embrace the light
And the darkness
That resides in me.

For it's both together,
The good and the bad,
The light and the darkness,
That define me.


13 JUL 2021 AT 10:37

Not all battles need to be fought at the same time. One at a time please — one at a time. There is no rush.

Slowly and steadily, move forward. There will be moments when you feel overwhelmed. There will be moments when you feel you can't go on, that you've had enough; and that is fine. It doesn't mean that you are weak. It only means you need to pause. Take a small break, like a traveler does on a long journey, and then start again with faith in yourself. Do what's in your control and let the universe take care of the rest.


12 JUL 2021 AT 21:41

I absolve every person in my life — past and present — , from making me happy.

I take complete responsibility for my happiness and each area of my life that includes family, work, health, relationships, and finances.


4 JUL 2021 AT 13:44

एक बार फिर
आज को जीना है
एक बार फिर
इस पल में रहना है

एक बार फिर
आज में रहना है
एक बार फिर
इस पल को जीना है


29 JUN 2021 AT 10:53

If you pay attention, you'll realise that
the universe communicates with you in various ways. So, pay attention, and listen.

Listen, for it has a lot to say to you. :)


25 JUN 2021 AT 12:14

बातें तो
कर लेती हूं,
पर बातें
बनानी नहीं आतीं


30 MAY 2021 AT 13:20

मैं सब की हूँ
किसी एक की नहीं

किसी एक की हूँ
हमेशा उनकी ही रहूंगी


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