Princess Libert Powers   (Lady Powers)
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Regal Enthusiast.
Black|Smart✓Innovative|Spirited__Away 🧘🏾‍♀️
Warning: Caveat Emptor.🦂
Joined 12 March 2021

Regal Enthusiast.
Black|Smart✓Innovative|Spirited__Away 🧘🏾‍♀️
Warning: Caveat Emptor.🦂
Joined 12 March 2021
27 MAR 2022 AT 21:28

Something can't come take you out, unless you're Prepared.
How Prepared are you?


11 OCT 2021 AT 15:43

Dear Princess Liberty Powers.

My God, how I love calling you that name. Princess. Not just because it's a Charming name given to you by your beloved father, But because it is your identity.
Oh Goodness me, I wonder, if there's anyone as marvelously built as you are. I am Awed by your vastness, my dearest.
You're immensely Majestic and Strong. And that is why I added this two other names to your identity, backing up your Serenity. Liberty Powers. Princess Liberty Powers.. forgive me if I seem a little bit weird. But i am Wowed at your Vital Life Force (chi)!
Forgive me for the obstacles I bring your way (I know you may hate me for that, for sure), but it is to unleash the best skills I have given you. I made you go through Great Tribulations for a Great TRIUMPH. you may say I am not fair. well, that has literally been the story of Life. but guess what? I always bring Justice to the weak. and one day, just one day, every of your Great work will be fairly Justified. I cannot sugarcoat, but I can be optimistically Real and Truthful...
Keep thriving... Keep pushing. Never STOP.
Your Struggles shall soonest wear-off, whilest your Hard Work, Payoff!!!




11 OCT 2021 AT 14:20

Then it will be this Note:

'"If my life is for rent and I don't learn to buy
Well, I deserve nothing more than I get
'cause nothing I have is truly mine"'


11 OCT 2021 AT 13:52

Stop saying people are Lazy. Honestly, they're Not! They are just highly motivated to do Absolutely NOTHING!!!


10 OCT 2021 AT 17:14

Collab on "Being Lazy"


10 OCT 2021 AT 13:44

Sometimes don't weary when some people leave your life. It makes you embrace fresh air.


5 AUG 2021 AT 23:09

Note this in Life:
"Just because you're "CALLED", doesn't mean you were "SENT"! Your Attention could be "CALLED" for a reply alone. And not to be "SENT" for a result... Don't get this two twisted.


21 JUN 2021 AT 22:31

Is he Loving his baby mama, Afterall?


21 JUN 2021 AT 21:15

I know you're one of my hobbies in life. I can have you almost all day on my leisure days. But i want to beg you to please be present at your appointment time too. Night.


21 JUN 2021 AT 14:22

Learn the Difference between a Relationship and a Rehabilitation centre. A relationship is not a rehabilitation centre and rehabilitation is not centred on intimacy, but a periodic, therapeutic check-ins for mental improvement or stability... So do not think being in a relationship automatically marks you a Therapist to your damaged Spouse. If they're getting out of hand, recommend a Therapist (Rehabilitation Centre). If they refuse to improve or comply, STAY OUT! But sometimes love won't just let you be, would it? Until you as well get draged down to the bottomless pits of hell. Damned like them... Learn the difference before it consumes your future too soon.


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