Pratyush Nema   (Pratyush Nema)
262 Followers · 27 Following

Founder/CEO at Defenzelite Private Limited
Joined 3 May 2017

Founder/CEO at Defenzelite Private Limited
Joined 3 May 2017
29 JUL AT 1:38

The magic doesn't lie in working hard or smart;
It lies in doing the tasks you least want to do first.


9 MAR AT 15:40

Fear and courage dance


3 MAR AT 13:27

Blindly adhering to instructions without underestimating the complexity renders towards powerlessness.


15 SEP 2023 AT 22:22

Belief fuels action, action creates success.


3 AUG 2023 AT 20:51

An entrepreneur who takes risks to prepare for the future instead of just focusing on making quick bucks becomes the next change maker in the industry.


24 JUL 2023 AT 22:05

Life is the canvas
We hold the brush to paint our masterpiece


4 JUN 2023 AT 22:03

Our brain is not solely the origin of ideas and problem-solving thoughts, but a profound vessel that captures cosmic signals, enabling us to infuse life with the power to revive.


4 JUN 2023 AT 0:11

True success is not
an overnight phenomenon!
it's the result of unseen
hardwork, uncounted
working hours, and a refusal
to accept mediocrity.


26 MAR 2023 AT 20:20

Life is about balancing uncertain steps.


19 MAR 2023 AT 21:11

Don't let your dreams
sleep through life,
For life itself is a dream
waiting to be lived


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