prathima rajendran Β  (Beauty Unsung)
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A new writer in Your Quotes 😁
Joined 5 May 2020

A new writer in Your Quotes 😁
Joined 5 May 2020
11 APR AT 10:44

One day it will all finish, leaving just the memory behind.
Before that get out of that comfort zone, go on with the life, set aside your ego and talk to people, forget and forgive, live every moment as if it's your last day.


11 APR AT 10:39

What breaks your heart?
Losing people!


10 APR AT 9:56

A good listener is always the one who badly wishes to be listened too


9 APR AT 8:29

She was always scared of attachments
Later maturity changed the perception of attachment
You can definitely wish to be attached to whoever you want, but the best way to protect this is by letting the other person be themselves


7 APR AT 8:42

Life is like a rollercoaster
Every ups and downs will have a significance
Just allow yourself to consume the nature of life
Your life is pre destined and all you need is to accept it


5 APR AT 8:00

You are remembered only until your soul is part of your body.
The day you leave your body, your soul too would forget about the experiences you have had.
So don't always force yourself to be in the best, just live in the present!


4 APR AT 8:03

So much piled up within, one comfort hug and I'm going to break down.
Maybe the sobbing will help to heal my unknow fears and emotions, hoping there is someone to hold me.


3 APR AT 7:52

They come, they steal and they leave is always the reason to get scared of losing someone you trust!

But for a change they come, they stay, they accept you and never leave!
This too happens!


2 APR AT 8:05

Happiness is when you know, there is someone for you apart from your parents, who understands you, takes care of you, who accepts you the way you are, who motivates and supports you, who will always be there for you!


25 MAR AT 7:18

Give yourself so much time that you wished to give someone else
You will never betray yourself unlike others would
Giving space, time to someone is more injurious to your mental health


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