Prakhar Bajpai   (PrakharB9)
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Joined 1 November 2018

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Joined 1 November 2018
11 SEP 2021 AT 4:33


Woman is a better ½ to man; is what's said,
She completes him, covers where he falters,
Perfect Man doesn't exist, it's her who makes him perfect, completes him.

2 Imperfect 💓 = 1 Complete Soul Together


2 DEC 2020 AT 17:33

सुना है तेरी चाहत में मर गए लोग,
यानी बहुत कुछ बड़ा कर गए लोग,
सोचा कि देखें तुझे और देखकर सोचा ये,
तुझे सोचते हुए क्या क्या कर गए लोग।

तेरी मोहब्बत में कुछ भी नहीं हासिल,
तेरे लिए हद से गुज़र गये लोग ?

तुम छोड़ दो उस अप्सरा की बातें मियां,
अप्सरा नहीं होती कहकर गये लोग...।


31 OCT 2020 AT 0:35

Hypocrisy evident

Alcohol is being served in these syringes as a innovative concept to attract more that really necessary?!...people are dying due to lack of syringes and the elite are drinking alcohol out of it... government is saving syringes for vaccination against corona and these idiots are the least bothered...shame on them!!


29 OCT 2020 AT 0:49

How to help people in depression/just sad

There are 5 min videos regarding this on youtube, everyone must have seen I bet!...but all that glitters is not gold right? reality they don't work as they are made for making money out of that, simple.....the best way to lighten someone up who has had a hard day is not to talk about what the incident but to amuse them in any way possible and gift them with moments that wash out the negatives prevalent...that will help a long way than listening to that painstaking event and giving them sympathy.... laughing makes the moment fade wonder laughter is the best medicine folks!!


18 OCT 2020 AT 1:44

A man is courageous in true sense if he can love his enemies, love the people who are labelled as unlovable and lastly love the people who don't love you back..
That's what is the true essence of courage!


6 OCT 2020 AT 19:30


As we meet, we find something in common, something to hold on to in the other person which we now call a friend.
The relationship maybe friends, neighbours, drinking buddies, partners in crime... You love so much when you're young, as yrs go by, you just loose touch.

The perfect friendship/relationship doesn't exist.

Non of us can vow to be the end all we can do is to promise to love each other with whatever we've got!

Kudos to my people who stuck along


18 SEP 2020 AT 2:02

By the Dr, For the Doctors
India fighting the pandemic with Doctors fighting the virus and diseased minds of some lunatics who think violence is the right way out. I bet u must have heard the sacrifices by medical personnel, the nights spent in that warm sweaty plastic suit and almost unbreathable mask, getting martyred while delivering their service, and still getting beaten up. Are we punching bags to sweat out frustrations even if the duty was done with utmost dedication? Every patient cannot be saved despite all efforts, people must acknowledge that. No wonder more and more are opting to work in foreign countries,the reason for that is quite limpid, no one likes to get thrashed and cursed even after working their asses off since the last 10 years studying and working round-the-clock!
"Thali bajao" was supposed to be a token of appreciation but that rules out to be war-cry against the medical community.


17 SEP 2020 AT 21:36

" People who seem like bold risk-takers but never actually do anything, because actually doing things gets you fired" ~ that's what the corrupted corporate world is.


24 AUG 2020 AT 23:24

जहाँ सूरज और समंदर का मंथन हो,
जहाँ प्रेम और खुशियों का गठबंधन हो,
जहाँ दुष्कर्म और बेवफ़ाई का पतन हो,
ले चलो वहां मुझे !


23 AUG 2020 AT 20:58

Trust takes years to build,
Seconds to break,
Forever to repair...


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