Partha Sarathi Dash   (© Partha)
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Love is an art and i am a student of science..🤔🤔
Joined 8 September 2019

Love is an art and i am a student of science..🤔🤔
Joined 8 September 2019
7 JUL 2023 AT 11:10

I'll count the stars in our sky, one by one,
And in your dreams, I'll find you when the day is done.

When sometimes a gentle rain falls on your skin,
When sometimes your heart overflows with yearning's reign.

I'll come as a subtle gust of soothe with some despair,
Caressing your locks, your eyelashes, and attire.

May they cast shadows on your lashes so stout,
Letting not the tears on them shimmer and pour on the lands of drought.


2 JUL 2023 AT 13:46

You are a dream, if anyone,
I wish my eyes to never unfold, let alone death be the one.

Oh, these screams of oblivion! My eyes, damp and split,
Dreams scattered, yet some fragments remained, with dewy lashes knit.

And now, my days stumble, shattered and astray,
The street comes to my home to ask, 'Who are you today?'

Gazing in the mirror, I converse with reflection's sight,
And yet it asks me, 'When shall be the night?'

When shall be the night, where the moon sings melancholy tunes,
Where the stars shimmer, howling their agony, all too soon.

Where the wolves disdain the burnt crescent's grace,
And the clouds weep their silver lines in somber trace.

In this wretched realm, I'll mend the seams,
Where I'll once again affix my scattered dreams.


2 JUL 2023 AT 1:57

I tried to still the winds, yet time eluded my grasp,
So I just bent them,
And to my surprise, this mere effort for tranquility, instead changed the hues of the clouds to dark and the subtle gusts went all tempest.


1 JUL 2023 AT 15:21

If we ever meet again, I will ask,
I'll ask you to come with a lifetime in tow.

I'll bring an empty book with me,
With no promises erased and some pages to draw.

With my pen, I'll set the autumn stars ablaze.
How can doubt defeat my patience's allure?

I've written a lifetime for your arrival,
But how can that be until you tread upon death's own toe?

No land holds a special place for me, nor do I have any oceans to row.
So, I'll summon my witnesses from the skies in time's court
some with wings, some with claws.


25 JUN 2023 AT 14:21

The flowing moments of time are half asleep,
some lost screams in the heart are dug deep.
How can one express this oblivion?
We now ponder upon it.
How can someone say whether they are ours or not?
We journey together,
There are distances, yet
It's as if the two banks of a river were never meant to meet.
Like asymptotes, we kept drawing close,
close, yet not close enough, to ever converge.
There is this wall of glass like separation.
We can see through,
but the sights are startled...


17 JUN 2023 AT 2:31

The moth has given its life to light, but what fault rests with the candle? So, it remains as it is.

To glow all night is the fate of the flame, so it remains as it is.

Yet, to perish in the blaze was the destiny of the moth, and it remains as it is.

In one way or another, we all are moths, we too are blazes, and it remains as it is.


16 JUN 2023 AT 15:21

Why is it so that every now and then I crave some unease?
Is it the twisted comfort of chaos that lures me in, or am I condemned to forever seek solace in the depths of torment?
Why do I yearn for the very afflictions that tear me apart?


15 JUN 2023 AT 17:09

I lost myself amidst the twists and turns of night.
There I saw myself drowning in the depths of dreams.
Slowly, they lulled me to sleep in to sweet fantasies.
In those dreams, I saw you by my side, laughing with joy.
The sweetness of your words, the intoxication in your laughter, the fragrance of your delicacy.
I was about to immerse myself in those moments, when suddenly a voice came,
a voice screaming in pain.
My sleep shattered, my dreams shattered.
When I woke up and sat, I saw reality sitting in front of me, she was in great pain.
I saw her crying, I saw her breaking.
Screaming, she shattered and scattered on my bed,
and peheraps I did too, along with her.


15 JUN 2023 AT 14:34

In this war of love and friendship's plight,
She lost me, and I lost myself, amidst the twists of night.

I wish, if only she had wanted me a little more,
Or I had wished for her with a touch less fervour.

But fate's hand must play its part,
And now we're left uncertain, standing miles apart.


15 JUN 2023 AT 2:00

If ever you see me passing by, please don't stop to shake hands.
Instead, smile from a distance,
but let that smile be one without 'yes'.
Don't stop, don't speak with those eyes that say no 'no'.

If someone ever asks you about me,
tell them a lie,
but let it be a lie that doesn't linger in your closet,
That doesn't keep you from sleep.


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