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Joined 23 July 2020

Joined 23 July 2020

There are people who always tend to let you down, suppress you, break down your morale, disturb your inner peace. But grow above everything and reach somewhere where these things can't impact your life. Protect your inner peace, believe in yourself, boost up your confidence. Don't seek validation in others' opinion. Don't doubt yourself, believe in the knowledge that you are grown up with. Let your soul breathe.


27 APR AT 15:15

Cultivating positive thoughts will eventually reduce negative thoughts. Reducing negative thoughts is difficult but the more you cultivate positive thoughts, the more you reduce negative thoughts unknowingly.


22 MAR AT 20:19

With some vintage thoughts,
With some unsaid words,
Cherishing some memories
In silence, in despair...


15 MAR AT 19:55

Today my heart is feeling
Way too heavy.
As if it's squeezed.
It's pierced.
It's maimed.
It's aching.
Trying to find out
The reason for such dejection
I failed,
I failed,
I failed every time.


8 MAR AT 0:01

Thank you so much to all the phenomenal women who have impacted my life directly or indirectly. Thanks for inspiring me and motivating me when I lost hope, thanks for patting my back and believing in me when I failed in life, thanks for giving me strength and courage when I was scared, thanks for imparting knowledge, patience and moral values. Thanks to those who have lifted me up and thanks to even those who have criticised me because your criticism has helped me grow and shaped up my life and made me even stronger. I am grateful to all the women for whom I am standing here today. Wishing all of you a very Happy Women's Day! More power to you.


8 FEB AT 19:40

You are there in all the broken shards,
In all the unsaid words,
In all those dried petals,
In all the crumpled pages,
In all the void spaces,
In every breath I take,
In all the fuss I make,
In every tear drop I shed,
In every scream I made,
You are still there.


10 JAN AT 18:48

Looking back at yesterday to remind yourself what lessons you have learnt is wise. And using those lessons today to make a beautiful tomorrow is even wiser.


12 SEP 2023 AT 20:12

Some days are different from the others. Some days we have harder battles to fight. Some days we wake up with a heavy heart and go to bed with a weary soul. Some days we are in tears for no particular reason. But all these are signs of being alive. So sometimes it's okay to be not okay!


28 JUL 2023 AT 13:04

Is there any antidepressant that can give me a peaceful sleep?


26 JUL 2023 AT 19:25

Somedays I wish to bury my face
In your chest
And cry my heart out.
Somedays I wish to be in your arms
And drain out all my pain.
Somedays I wish to rest my head on your shoulder
And let lose all my worries!


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