nusrath fathima   (Khannuzzi)
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Joined 31 January 2018

Joined 31 January 2018
21 OCT 2019 AT 12:52

Lost in the city called Life,
I wander lonely.
As my thoughts and peace strife,
I ponder solely.

I see the lit high-rise of inevitable,
But again I see the same as unlit
high-rise of irritable.
Vigorously, I drag my feet in there,
But I'm hit back by anxiety.

I see the other lit high-rise of happiness,
But again I see the same having path of sadness.
Sturdily, I drag my feet in there,
But I'm hit back by pain to much to bear.

As my eyes wander around,
I slump down lost.
Then I see Hope ready to cope,
Calling me in its shack.
Stoutly,I walk in there,
Now happy to have finally met the city knack.


31 AUG 2019 AT 18:15

Lost I was in the biblio fantasy, then I stumbled upon you and found myself in a more beautiful existence


27 JUN 2019 AT 18:37

being content


29 APR 2019 AT 11:37

"Feeding on the competition?
Did you not hear what Damon told you?" Asked Caroline.

"I did, but who cares? I'll do whatever I want." Replied Elena in her humanity switched off mode.

After watching TVD, the only thing I wish I had, was the power to switch off my humanity too;killing the blue devils.


11 DEC 2018 AT 21:55

Edifying us against the battles of cruel wind.
Shushing the war of our despairing mind.
You have illuminated the blind in us.

Educating with the heat of fury,
And, nurturing with the sweet glory.
You have enlightened our derisory wit.

O my learning home, because of that role of yours in my life.
I can fly so high.
Even when I'm left with nothing but a cry


18 NOV 2018 AT 14:22

My soul in the plain white attire, stands lost,
Battling the ghost of thoughts.

Waiting for the spark,
To chase away the dark.

Then you cross my path,
Brightening me up,
And melting me down.

Now glowing with happiness and blooming in love,
I brighten up and melt down for you, my love.

O my match, you are the one for me,
Like I'm the one for you.
Let's dive in our love and brighten our world.
Cause we make the perfect two.


14 OCT 2018 AT 15:38

I would connect the social world to the emotional world and not to the world of masquerade.


7 OCT 2018 AT 15:00

"I don't cry easily", she said.

"Don't lie", sassed the smudged ink from her Diary.


16 JUN 2018 AT 0:25

Brightening our homes with light of prosperity;
To glorifying our souls with amity.

From ample of blessings;
To joys of Eid.

Here comes the glorious month of Ramadan to an end.


23 MAY 2018 AT 23:32

And when she penned down the traffic of her thoughts, a writer in her was born.


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