Nirmala Ravi  
195 Followers · 98 Following

Joined 1 June 2017

Joined 1 June 2017
9 FEB AT 18:52

மறைத்திட எண்ணும் புன்னகை
விரைந்து விரிந்து என்னை வீழ்த்துவதேனோ?


6 DEC 2023 AT 22:09

Tears rolled down,
you wiped
mine, then yours.


6 DEC 2023 AT 20:11

how to live life.
You learn it by yourself over time
and eventually realize there is no
better way.


29 OCT 2023 AT 20:42

lies in embracing each other's flaws, letting the
other reflect their true self and helping one another evolve.


26 OCT 2023 AT 22:07

getting into a soothing space where my woes
vanish for a moment.


8 OCT 2023 AT 20:21

பார்த்தாலும் சலித்திடவில்லையே,
உன்னில் என்னை ரசிப்பது
எத்தனை சுகமென அறிவாயோ?


18 JUL 2023 AT 22:35

call or text is the last choice in my mind.
I start doing things that remind you more.
May be the heart finds pleasure in missing
you a little longer.


17 JUL 2023 AT 20:46

சொல்லப்படாத ஏதும் சொல்வதன்
தகுதியை அக்கணமே இழக்கிறது.
முழுதும் நனைந்த பின் குடை
கிடைத்து என்ன பயன்?


11 JUL 2023 AT 22:44

with whom your bond remains the same even when you meet after ages.


27 JUN 2023 AT 21:12

Gifting - A happy journey!

Starting off with a mind tour to the areas of interest.
Traversing the joyful process of finding something that perfectly matches their taste and need.
Filtering the best yet unsure about the choice.
Nearing the destination with mixed feelings.
Seeing them truly like it just puts you over the moon letting the journey end on a happy note!

If being gifted is a flower,
gifting someone is a garden.


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