Nikhil Joseph Β  (Nikhil Joseph)
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Joined 3 November 2018

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Joined 3 November 2018
4 FEB AT 11:44

Dusk was raging in my life as if it were the only thing that my life deserved. There were happy moments but all faded away and I could feel the rush of anxiety which now flows in my vain.

It’s pitch dark even without closing my eyes but just like after dusk dawn awaits, in the same way hope has a plan for me. Let the twilight be an answer for my never-ending journey.



21 JUN 2023 AT 15:47

The essence of happiness never has a timeline;
it's all enclaved in moments.


20 JUN 2023 AT 16:10

In the end, what will matter is how hard you tried,
yet you let it go.


16 JUN 2023 AT 13:05

Indeed, this is what life is, a realization mixed up with a sense of grim truth.


16 JUN 2023 AT 12:59

This is what life is,
a realization

mixed up with a

sense of grim truth.


30 JAN 2023 AT 13:06

All that I have for you is
just silence wrapped
in the dilemma.

I know this will challenge even the tiniest of courage you wish to shed for me. There will be days when you won’t find me, and your eyes will depict what your heart will deal with.

But trust me,
I will meet you at the other end,
where I will eagerly await
your arrival.


12 DEC 2022 AT 13:27

Time is the best hero of this generation
but is also
the greatest villain.


8 DEC 2022 AT 11:42

I wish I could come closer, hold you in my arms, whisper in your ears, and let you know what the universe looks like in your absence. But, unfortunately, there come days when my inner self refuses to believe how soon the time has flown. Realization hits further earnestly when I see a future where I see a void that won't be filled for ages. But as the world says and has taught me that in my dreams, we will be always together forever.


18 OCT 2022 AT 2:20

It feels good now,

After ages, I sat again alone at night when the time seems to have slowed down. It wasn't the first time but the peace that has enveloped me has become a guest to my longing heart.

I still remember how restless I used to be, wishing and praying for things to get settled down towards a happier side. It never happened, it was even followed by suffering, sorrow, and pain.

But now when I look back, even if the memories trouble me at times but this peace has become an answer for everything that I had wished for. What I realized is in the end all that your heart ought for is just peace.

.......Finally, it feels good now.......


1 SEP 2022 AT 20:28

Stuck between cramps she pleaded for relief.
Making her way out through agony
she saw the sun rising with glittering hope.
She took a step ahead which was the most difficult one but
ended as the most promising one.
To the girl who had weeping yet ecstatic eyes,
the start which she has taken was challenging but
the end surely is going to be worth living


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