Nicole Abel   (~derah)
8 Followers · 11 Following

Joined 9 June 2020

Joined 9 June 2020
17 SEP 2020 AT 4:54

I loose guard at wrong time.


30 JUL 2020 AT 6:28

discover my true potential


14 JUL 2020 AT 1:30

I'm was so down and lost in my grief but no one realized it.

Then my imaginary friend said to me "don't give up it isn't the last"


14 JUL 2020 AT 1:22

I'm pleased to have you fit and healthy,gosh I know is not everyone that has you all in other,but then I'm really glad to you for always being there for me.
You decide where I go and you take me there, you start my workout with me in my mornings, thanks to you I'm so energetic especially when it comes to sports you are just so good in that.
If I can remember,when I walked for the first time in my life in my early age you were so down to earth and strong.
I thank almighty for having you.

I'm so glad to have you my hero!!!


13 JUL 2020 AT 2:56

I live for you,my life depends on you, I'm obliged to you, I do everything for the sake of you but often at times you criticize me, you make me feel inferior or unwanted,you are the course of my depression and sometimes the reason behind my happiness.
I'm actually tired of your unreasonable rules,customs,beliefs etc. Why should I live based on what you want? I need to live my life in my own way and terms.
And I hope you will understand me or you deal with it.
Dream girl ✨


11 JUL 2020 AT 23:53

It's really sad to find out you are positive to the virus.
Have faith and take care you will surely recover.
Quick recovery BigB✨✨


11 JUL 2020 AT 0:42

Accept it

Try to argue


11 JUL 2020 AT 0:39

Biggest shock ever, normally pupils drop out of school but in this case it was the opposite,lol.
Though some are happy with you while others aren't,you bring shock to some but loneliness to others.
I wasn't happy at first when you came, but now I'm so happy and I wish you stay a little long before you go probably till next year.
But on a second thought I want you to go the soonest, you have really spoilt alot of plans made for the year, you us all automatic carry over, too bad you know.


10 JUL 2020 AT 2:06

Trying to understand you is a whole different kind of thing, you are beyond definition,we all define you in different way, you teach life lessons, you also give hope for a better future, knowing the past, what's going on presently giving insight to the future. At times you are so difficult to understand, impossible to interpret.
You are actually part of our existence and everything that happens is all about you .


9 JUL 2020 AT 1:51

There won't be tomorrow


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