Neha Nailwal   (Neha Nailwal)
680 Followers · 2 Following

Full time: Software Engineer
Part Time: Putting thoughts into words ..
Joined 17 December 2018

Full time: Software Engineer
Part Time: Putting thoughts into words ..
Joined 17 December 2018
20 JUL 2020 AT 10:37

One thing I promise :

Then - I will never change myself on the basis of what that another person is like. No matter what ..

Now - I will definitely change myself according to that other person .. **No Matter What**

People Changed
Thoughts Changed


16 JUL 2020 AT 23:53

They are dreams ..

The Virtual reality that makes us feel ..
as if it is real
as if we can do this
as if this thing is as easy as cutting a piece of cake

They makes us feel at the top

Sometimes they make us feel we donnot need anyone .. we are only by ourselves
But Sometimes they make us realise how much we miss that one person inside our head

Sometimes they give us immense happiness by fullfiling all what we imagine
Sometimes they pinch us hard when we open up our eyes

Dreams are beautiful
Dreams are perfect

Just Dreams should come true 💛


25 MAY 2020 AT 20:02

When I was almost tearing apart ..

If I say exactly when I found hope
So, It was ..

When, I thought I almost lost everything
but actually I got alot more than what I thought

When, I thought saying good bye to this one person will ruin my world
but actually I got to say Hi to the real world which respects me and was never so rude

When, I thought every door is getting closed
but in real an even bigger door was getting open for me

When, I thought this world is only there to give you pain
but lastly, noticed the precious ones who would take all of that away

I had hope then I lost it again
but believe me, some miracles will always make you believe in this beautiful word again ..


16 MAY 2020 AT 2:13

यहाँ से बाहुत दुर, जहा हो बस मैं और तुम ।
ना हो दुःख ना हो गम, हो तो बस मैं और तुम ।

ये हाथ थामो कसकर और देदो साथ मेरा ।
फिर क्या पता कब मिले ऐसा पल हमे दोबारा ।

चलो अपनी एक दुनिया बनाए ।
अपना संसार अपनी तरह सजाए ।

चलो चले उन सपनो के पार ।
जहा हो रंगीन आसमान और हमारा प्यार ।

चलो चले इस बंदिश से दूर ।
जहा हो एक नदी के किनारे बात करते मैं और तुम ।

चलो मेरे साथ यहाँ से बाहुत दुर, जहा हो बस मैं और तुम ।
ना हो दुःख ना हो गम, हो तो बस मैं और तुम ।


16 MAY 2020 AT 1:41

The time when that one person became everything for you from being absolutely nothing

Tell me the Story of
The time when you loved someone with all what you had but decided to leave with a broken heart

Tell me the Story of
The time when you thought life is only stuck with this person but eventually figured out it is not

Tell me the Story of
The time when you wanted to hold that hand tight but had to say goodbye with heavy heart

Tell me the Story of
The time when you figured out Respect is more important to you then this person who has never respected your presence


9 MAY 2020 AT 19:24

हमारे घर के पास ही एक दुकान है । घर का सामान, बच्चो के स्कूल का सामान सब रहता है वहां।
कुछ न कुछ छोटी चीज़ के लिए जाना ही पढता है यु तो पर एक दिन वहां जाके कुछ अलग ही देखने मिला।
रोज़ तो भैया बैठते थे एक यही कूछ पैंतीस चालीस साल के लगते थे, पर आज वहा एक छोटा बच्चा बैठा दिखा कुछ बारह साल का होगा शायद। एक किताब और एक रजिस्टर लेके एका एक लगा हुआ था पढ़ने पर, दुकान पे हमने बहुत देखा पर और कोई दिखा नहीं। अचानक वो लड़का बोला "जी मैडम बोलिये क्या चाहिए" हमें कुच पेन चाहिए थे सो हमने ले लिए और वो बड़ा खुश सा हो गया नाजाने क्यों, पर पूछने में हिचक थी तो हम चले आए सीधे घर ।

कुछ दिन बाद फीर जाना हुआ और इस बार भी वही लड़का बैठा था उसी दिन की तरह कुछ पढ़ते हुए। इस बार हमने हिम्मत की और उसके कुछ पुछने से पहले ही हमने पूछ लिया "क्या करते हो बेटा तुम, वो पापा हैं क्या तुम्हारे जो यहाँ अकसर बैठा करते है?" वो कुछ नहीं बोला फिर थोड़ा हिचकिचा के बोल पढ़ा "वो पापा नहीं साहब है हमारे, मेरी माँ इनके घर काम करती है और मै यहाँ कभी कभी आ जाता हु" तो हमने पूछा "स्कूल का पढ़ना होता है तो घर जाया करो यहाँ क्यों करते हो पढाई ज़रूरी है"। तब वो हँसकर बोला "नहीं मैं यहाँ पढता हूँ आराम से घर नहीं न हमपे, मेरी पढाई का सारा खर्च भी साहब उठाते है और मैं उनका थोड़ा बोहोत काम"

"कोशिश करना क्या होता है ये तो उस बच्चे ने ही सिखाया"


9 MAY 2020 AT 18:36

That I never want to be penned on my life's pages again ..

You are that story that if I tell to anyone they would be feeling pity of myself
But I won't do that cause you were the hero of that tale once upon a time ..

You are that story whose introduction page was tremendous but conclusion page was a whole mess ..

You are that story that went into vain so well ...

You are that story that people only read once and never want to give it a look again


9 MAY 2020 AT 18:23

When someone says: Let's fall in love ..

My heart, my mind, my soul, my everything:


9 MAY 2020 AT 9:24

Yes, I am a capricious being mostly all the time
may it be on calls or texts or whatsoever

But when I meet you I am a whole new person
The person who wants to explore everything
The person who wants take new adventures everyday

The person who wants to stick by your side all the time

And above all, The person who is constantly loving you ... No there are no mood swings then

*N actually, the person to whom you say like*
"It's better to talk to you over phone, you are crazy"

Just two different personalities of a single person


8 MAY 2020 AT 0:07

की तुम आशिक़ थे हमारे पर चलो मान लेते हैं ।
अपना दिल खुद रखना सीख चुके ना हम ।

लगता तो नहीं
की सारे वादे जो किये थे वो भूल गए होगे तुम पर चलो मान लेते हैं ।
तुम्हे भुलाने का आसान तरीका ढूंढ चुके ना हम ।

लगता तो नहीं
की हमारी तारीफ़े करते तुम मज़ाक भी बना सकते थे हमारा पर चलो मान लेते है ।
तुमसे नफरत करने का सबसे आसान जरिया समझ चुके ना हम ।

लगता तो नहीं था
की तुम्हे भूल भी पाएंगे हम पर देखो आखिर भूल ही गए ।
वक़्त का मिज़ाज़ ही कुछ ऐसा था सब तुम खुद ही करते चले गए ।


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