Neha Arora   (Khaleran.on.road)
9 Followers · 10 Following

An avid reader bitten by a travel bug.
Joined 10 September 2021

An avid reader bitten by a travel bug.
Joined 10 September 2021
1 FEB AT 10:03

Let’s be like February: charmingly succinct, sweet, and delightfully surprising.


23 JAN AT 22:37

Understanding that it's not the negative emotions themselves that pose a challenge, but rather our inability to navigate and cope with them, is crucial.

Engaging in activities that promote self-care, such as exercise, meditation, or talking to a trusted friend or therapist, can provide valuable support in navigating and managing these emotions.

Remember, it's okay to seek help and support when needed.


20 JAN AT 0:46

कमाने के लिए घूमते हो??
घूमने के लिए कमाते हो??


18 JAN AT 22:14

Not everyone who knows you, understands you.


16 JAN AT 18:48

Taking care of yourself is essential for overall well-being. When you prioritize self-care, you can experience improvements in both your physical and mental health.
Additionally, when you feel better, you radiate positive energy and attract better opportunities and relationships.
Remember, self-care is not selfish, it's necessary for a fulfilling life.


14 JAN AT 15:34

Conflicts are inevitable in any relationship.
When disagreements arise, approach them with a calm and respectful attitude.
Focus on finding solutions rather than placing blame.


11 JAN AT 21:07

क्या लिखूं???
शब्दों का समुंदर है,
जहाँ हर लफ़्ज़ अपनी कहानी कह रहा है |


9 JAN AT 22:28

In a world of singles, we both stand tall,
Exploring life's adventures, free for all.
We are rocking it alone,
Independent and fierce, our hearts are our own.


7 JAN AT 20:49

अगर झगड़ा हो, तो झगडे को ख़त्म करना चाहिए।
रिश्ते को नहीं।


6 JAN AT 18:44

Just like a road, a relationship is a path that two or more individuals traverse together. It requires effort, maintenance, and navigation to ensure a smooth journey.

Similar to a road, a relationship may have twists, turns, and obstacles that need to be overcome. It is important to communicate and work together to navigate through challenges and reach a shared destination.


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