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Joined 6 January 2018

Joined 6 January 2018
13 NOV 2022 AT 0:25

Gratitude To Celestial Gift!
Oh! That feeling of first Love!
Lighter than feather & softer than dew drops.
Was it caress of morning breeze,
Or fragrance of fresh rose!
Was it an innocent touch
Of an infant on my cheeks!
Was it a spray of droplets from the brooks in hills!
Or it was feeling of first love,
With no impurities or pretence,
Only love, care and reverence!!


13 NOV 2022 AT 0:04

Parting Gift...
As we parted from our Love,
Parted my most vulnerable self from me.
As we parted,
Parted the child like innocence from my heart.
As we parted,
Parted my trust and belief on unconditional love.
As we parted
Parted my wild laughter and smiling incessantly for no reason.
As we parted
Parted my passion and ever singing bird within me.


12 NOV 2022 AT 23:51

Life plays a fair game.
A game of Boomerang!
It gives us back in abundance,
The sum we deposit in our accounts.
Our words, thoughts and actions,
Like a colossal magnet collect,
The effects of our doings, vicious or virtuous alike.
Enlarging, enhancing and strengthening them many folds.
And swing them back to us.
With amplified & multitudinal pace
Like a boomerang flung fast in Cosmos.


24 OCT 2022 AT 11:41

Copious Fragments...
To constitute copious, it takes only slight fragments.
Enormity is just the assimilation of petite substance.
Span of long life may cease to tick anytime.
Seize this moment and make it an event of life time.
Tiny particles come together to create immensity.
Moment to moment is the expanse of eternity...
Let's respect the small and big alike.
As both are reflexion of Divine Might.


24 OCT 2022 AT 10:46

Life is a paradox!
Most delicate flower are supported by prickiest thorns.
Deepest valleys are guarded by the highest precipices.
The tunnels no matter how dark a damp,
Begin and end with bright sunshine.
The permanence to embrace death,
Fills life with thrills and frills of impermanent joys...


21 OCT 2022 AT 1:17

That love begets love.
You may love your beloved with all your heart's treasures.
But expect not to be loved or cared for in same measures.
I can no longer say that love is always blissful.
It may give you profound pain and leave you tearful.
I can no longer say that Love is essential.
Better to connect with your inner self and tap your true potential!!


21 OCT 2022 AT 0:57

Is Love an Illusion!?
You are always my favorite haunt,
You are not only the person but also the place where I fall back whenever happy or sad!
On arriving my desirable destination this time , I felt rather aghast to find...
All the meadows of longing and wanting,
Have turned into an endless desert of indifference and ennui!
Deep blue waters of sincere commitment
Are now merely the shallow puddles of temporary musings!!
Is it You, who has changed! My Love??
Or was it I, living in my illusionary world
Of love and bliss for years!!?


8 OCT 2022 AT 19:44

More I fall in love with the person dwelling inside me.
This innocent and loving self smiling at me,
Deserves my quality time and intimate tending.
I just love to be with this calm & unquestioning companion within me.


8 OCT 2022 AT 19:31

Dear Comely Poetry,
I take pride as I state facts & quench the thirst of intelligent, logical and reason based minds.
Yet I am enslaved by my limitations...
Shackled by the facts, rules, formats and framework.
I envy you for your limitless expansion
& your infinite nature.
You are born out of love & dwell in loving feelings.
Relieving the hearts that give you birth and soothing all as long as you live!
You give freedom of expression to composer and inference to reader.
You are eternal and add life to life itself.
You dissipate my vanity by your subtility & humility.
I salute you dear Poetry!


29 SEP 2022 AT 22:27

A unique Pyre....
Prepare a pyre of your relationship.
Make an offering of all your wishes,
Desires, longings, obsessions,
Passion, expectations
And attachments to the fire.
With reverence....
Watch them all burn till there is nothing left but ashes!
From the ashes will emerge purity, piety, compassion, peace and bliss!
Thus! Gift yourself real relationship....


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