Naina Jani   (Naina Jani's Thoughts 💘)
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Joined 6 September 2017

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Joined 6 September 2017

In corners forgotten by time's cold embrace,
Whispers of secrets, echoes of grace,
Where shadows dance in the lingering light,
Mysteries hidden from sight.

In cobwebbed crevices and dusty nooks,
Lie memories, like faded storybooks,
Of laughter and tears, of joy and fears,
Of love lost through the passing years.

Where solitude reigns, in silence profound,
Lost souls wander, seeking to be found,
Their essence lingers in the still air,
Longing for someone to care.

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In the tapestry of time, a thread I find,
A song of memories woven in my mind,
A poetry of moments, lost and kind,
Captured in the heart, forever enshrined.

Oh, rewind the type, unravel the past,
The echoes of laughter, the shadows cast,
In the dance of yesterday, memories amassed,
A symphony of life, fading fast.

Through the lens of yesterday, I see,
The beauty of moments, wild and free,
Oh, rewind the type, unravel the mystery,
Of love and loss, of what used to be.

So let me journey back in time,
To cherish the moments, the sublime,
A poetry of rewind, a heartfelt rhyme,
In the tapestry of life, for all time.



In the stillness of a misty morn,
Hazy ripples of confusion are born,
Wandering through the depths of the mind,
A dance of shadows, elusive and blind.

Whispers of doubt, like a gentle breeze,
Caress the soul with a haunting tease,
Lost in the labyrinth of thoughts untold,
Seeking solace in a world so cold.

Visions blurred, like a watercolor dream,
Fading fast in the endless stream,
The heart aches for clarity and light,
To pierce through the fog of the endless night.

Yet in the haze, a truth does lie,
A mirror reflecting the inner sky,
Embrace the uncertainty, let it flow,
For in chaos, the seeds of wisdom grow.

So let the hazy ripples fade away,
And see the beauty in the disarray,
For in the depths of confusion’s sea,
Lies the hidden key to set you free.



Lost in the labyrinth of my mind,
Twisting pathways lead me blind.
A maze of thoughts, a puzzle to unwind,
Where truth and illusion intertwined.

Each corner turned, a new confusion,
Echoes of past and present fusion.
I navigate through shadowed walls,
Searching for answers as darkness falls.

The whispers of doubt linger near,
Filling the space with silent fear.
Every decision a tangled thread,
Leading to places I'd rather not tread.

Emotions swirl like a raging storm,
Pulling me deeper into their form.
Love and hate dance in endless choreography,
Leaving me numb with their symphony.

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22 APR AT 4:55

Come back soon, my love,
For in your absence,
I am but a shadow
Drifting through the days.

The word 'goodbye' hangs heavy
In the air between us,
Echoing in the silence
Of an empty room.

I long for your laughter,
Your presence filling the space.
Without you, time slows,
And moments stretch endlessly.

Come back soon, my dear,
For without you here beside me,
The world is dull and colorless,
A canvas waiting to be painted by your light.

I miss the way you hold me close,
The gentle touch of your hand.
Each day feels like eternity
Without you by my side.

So please hurry back to me,
My heart can't bear this separation.
Come back soon, my love,
And bring with you joy and elation.


22 APR AT 4:28

Miles apart, yet close in heart,
Separated by lands and seas,
But connected through invisible threads,
Our souls intertwined with ease.

Hands may not touch, but prayers do,
They flow freely from me to you.
Whispers of love carried on the wind,
Reaching your ears, my dear friend.

In the stillness of the night,
I feel your presence shining bright.
A comforting warmth that never fades,
Guiding me through life's charades.

Though our bodies may be far
Our spirits dance beneath the stars
Boundless love knows no distance
And in each other we find existence

So I'll send my thoughts across the miles
Hoping they reach you with smiles
For even though we are apart
You're forever etched into my heart.


21 APR AT 0:54

Once we were close,
Connected by laughter and shared secrets.
But now we are strangers again,
Passing each other on the street
With a polite nod and a forced smile.

Time has changed us,
Or perhaps it was just our circumstances.
We drifted apart, like two ships in the night,
Heading in different directions
Without even realizing it.

I wonder what went wrong,
What caused our bond to break?
Was it something I said or did,
Or was it simply inevitable
That we would become strangers again?

I miss the days when we were inseparable,
When your presence brought me comfort
And your words filled me with joy.
But now those moments seem like distant memories,
Faded snapshots of a time long gone.

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21 APR AT 0:24

Big bird trapped in a small cage,
Feathers ruffled, heart filled with rage.
Once able to soar high in the sky,
Now confined, unable to fly.

His wings clipped, his spirit crushed,
In this tiny space he's forced to be hushed.
Longing for the freedom he once knew,
But now all he can do is stew.

The bars around him seem to mock,
Reminding him of how far he must walk
To regain the life that was taken away
By those who saw fit to make him stay.

But even in this cage so tight,
He refuses to give up the fight.
For deep down inside he knows it's true:
No matter what they do, his dreams will renew.

So as days turn into weeks and years pass by,
The big bird keeps looking at the sky.
Hoping one day soon there will come a time
When he'll spread his wings again and climb

Out of this prison that holds him back
And finally get back on track
To live the life that was meant for him-
A life where freedom isn't just a whim.


21 APR AT 0:05

In the chaos of clutter and disarray,
There lies a beauty in an organized mess.
A jumble of colors, shapes, and textures,
Creating a tapestry of randomness.

Books piled high next to scattered papers,
A reminder of thoughts scribbled down in haste.
The cluttered desk tells a story
Of creativity unleashed without restraint.

Mismatched socks mingle with loose change,
Lost keys hiding among forgotten treasures.
An abundance of knick-knacks and trinkets
Adds character to the tangled mess.

Through the disorder emerges a pattern,
A sense of purpose amidst the chaos.
Each item carefully placed with intention,
Yet appearing haphazardly arranged.

In this world of organized mess,
There is freedom from convention and rules.
No need for perfection or orderliness,
Just a celebration of individuality.

Embrace the mayhem, find joy in the clutter
For within it lies hidden gems waiting to be discovered.
Let go of control, release your inhibitions
And revel in the beauty of an organized mess.



20 APR AT 6:19

In the garden of life, where flowers bloom bright,
Each petal a story, a journey, a light.
They dance in the breeze, whisper secrets untold,
A tapestry woven in colors and gold.

The roses of love, with thorns sharp and true,
A reminder that beauty can come with pain too.
But their scent lingers sweetly, despite the hurt,
For love is a treasure not easily unearthed.

The daisies of hope, reaching up to the sky,
Their simple white petals uplifted high.
They remind us to keep reaching for more,
To never give up, even when life's unsure.

The sunflowers stand tall, faces turned to the sun,
Radiating warmth for everyone.
They teach us to shine no matter our size,
To spread joy and light beneath cloudy skies.

The lilies of grace bow gently in prayer,
Their delicate blooms so perfectly rare.
They show us that strength comes from being meek,
That humility is what makes us unique.

And amid all these flowers are thorns and weeds too,
Reminding us life won't always be smooth.
But it's in facing adversity that we learn and grow strong
It’s through struggles we find where we truly belong,
Silently embracing each flower of life with a smile.


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