Naina Jani   (Naina Jani's Thoughts 💘)
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Joined 6 September 2017

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Joined 6 September 2017

In the quiet hush of dawn, I breathe you in,
The sensuous scent of your feminine familiarity,
A delicate fragrance that lingers in the air,
Soft whispers of jasmine and rose.

It wraps around me like a warm embrace,
A subtle reminder of your presence,
A gentle touch that stirs my soul,
And awakens the depths of my desire.

I close my eyes and let it envelop me,
The intoxicating essence of you,
A symphony of beauty and grace,
That dances upon the canvas of my senses.

In every breath, I find solace,
In every whisper, a promise,
Of the love that binds us together,
In the sweet, tender fragrance of your femininity.



Bookmarks holding our place in time,
Just one more chapter, just one more line.
Lost in the story, the words unfold,
In the pages, our hearts are told.

The night grows late, the pages turn,
With each chapter, our souls yearn.
For the next adventure, the next surprise,
Bookmarks guide us, as time flies.

Just one more chapter, we softly say,
In this world of words, we wish to stay.
Bookmarks marking where we've been,
In this tale of life, let the story begin.


26 APR AT 5:30

In the quiet of night, we meet in our shared dreams
Bound by the unseen threads of time and space
Dancing in the realm where reality and fantasy collide
Our souls entwined in a dance of pure grace

We wander through landscapes of our own creation
Exploring the depths of our imagination's vast expanse
Together we soar on wings of pure elation
In this world of dreams, there is no need for pretense

In this ethereal realm, we are free to be
To explore, to feel, to dream endlessly
And when we awaken, we carry with us the memory
Of the shared dreams that bind us eternally.


26 APR AT 5:04

In the faded corners of an old photograph,
Memories whisper softly,
Captured moments frozen in time,
Eyes that once sparkled with joy,
Now gazing back at me through the sepia haze.

A snapshot of a bygone era,
Where laughter lingered in the air,
And love was as tangible as the paper it's printed on,
Faded edges a reminder of the passage of time,
Yet the beauty remains untouched, preserved in this frame.

In the quiet stillness of this old photograph,
I find solace in the familiarity,
A glimpse into the past,
Where stories are etched in every crease,
And nostalgia blooms like a flower in bloom.


26 APR AT 4:53

In the quiet corners of my heart,
Lies the shadow of unsaid words,
Heavy with the weight of unspoken truths,
Lost in the gloom of silence.

Each syllable hangs in the air,
Aching to be released,
But trapped within the confines of my mind,
A prisoner of fear and doubt.

The unsaid words echo in the darkness,
A haunting melody of missed opportunities,
A symphony of regrets and what-ifs,
Playing on repeat in the chambers of my soul.

And so I carry the burden of the unsaid,
A heavy cloak of unspoken emotions,
Dragging me down into the depths of despair,
Lost in the gloom of my own silence.


25 APR AT 5:09

In the whispers of time, immortality beckons,
A promise of eternal existence, unyielding, unbroken.
Through the ages, we seek to defy our fate,
To live on beyond the confines of mortality's gate.

In the dance of stars and the breath of the wind,
We find traces of immortality, hidden within.
Forever in flux, yet never truly gone,
Our essence lingers, a silent, eternal song.

In the depths of the ocean, in the heights of the sky,
Immortality whispers, a timeless lullaby.
We may fade and fall, like petals in the breeze,
But our spirits endure, in the eternal seas.

So let us embrace this fleeting life we lead,
And find solace in the promise of immortality's seed.
For though our bodies may wither and decay,
Our essence lives on, in an endless, timeless way.


24 APR AT 5:09

In corners forgotten by time's cold embrace,
Whispers of secrets, echoes of grace,
Where shadows dance in the lingering light,
Mysteries hidden from sight.

In cobwebbed crevices and dusty nooks,
Lie memories, like faded storybooks,
Of laughter and tears, of joy and fears,
Of love lost through the passing years.

Where solitude reigns, in silence profound,
Lost souls wander, seeking to be found,
Their essence lingers in the still air,
Longing for someone to care.

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24 APR AT 4:54

In the tapestry of time, a thread I find,
A song of memories woven in my mind,
A poetry of moments, lost and kind,
Captured in the heart, forever enshrined.

Oh, rewind the type, unravel the past,
The echoes of laughter, the shadows cast,
In the dance of yesterday, memories amassed,
A symphony of life, fading fast.

Through the lens of yesterday, I see,
The beauty of moments, wild and free,
Oh, rewind the type, unravel the mystery,
Of love and loss, of what used to be.

So let me journey back in time,
To cherish the moments, the sublime,
A poetry of rewind, a heartfelt rhyme,
In the tapestry of life, for all time.


24 APR AT 4:41

In the stillness of a misty morn,
Hazy ripples of confusion are born,
Wandering through the depths of the mind,
A dance of shadows, elusive and blind.

Whispers of doubt, like a gentle breeze,
Caress the soul with a haunting tease,
Lost in the labyrinth of thoughts untold,
Seeking solace in a world so cold.

Visions blurred, like a watercolor dream,
Fading fast in the endless stream,
The heart aches for clarity and light,
To pierce through the fog of the endless night.

Yet in the haze, a truth does lie,
A mirror reflecting the inner sky,
Embrace the uncertainty, let it flow,
For in chaos, the seeds of wisdom grow.

So let the hazy ripples fade away,
And see the beauty in the disarray,
For in the depths of confusion’s sea,
Lies the hidden key to set you free.


23 APR AT 3:57

Lost in the labyrinth of my mind,
Twisting pathways lead me blind.
A maze of thoughts, a puzzle to unwind,
Where truth and illusion intertwined.

Each corner turned, a new confusion,
Echoes of past and present fusion.
I navigate through shadowed walls,
Searching for answers as darkness falls.

The whispers of doubt linger near,
Filling the space with silent fear.
Every decision a tangled thread,
Leading to places I'd rather not tread.

Emotions swirl like a raging storm,
Pulling me deeper into their form.
Love and hate dance in endless choreography,
Leaving me numb with their symphony.

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