Muhammad Kamal Umar Β  (Muhammad Kamal Umar)
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Joined 2 May 2021

Joined 2 May 2021
28 APR AT 20:14


Words born of pen, a gentle art.
The ink bleeds truth as the River flows.
The pen's voice whisper loud and clear.
A river wide.
A gentle force that makes us grow,
Shaping the world we all know.
For the Pen is mightier, we know.
And its words will forever glow.

The Golden pen πŸ–‹πŸ–‹


27 APR AT 13:23

Your smile is a ray of sunshine.
Bringing calm and chills.
Brightening up my the day,
Like a ray of hope.
Guiding the way.
A treasure,
A gift divine.


15 APR AT 2:38

I'm black, made of gold
I stand proud, amidst all odd
In the world market,
You dare not buy me.
I'm of ancestral heritage.
'Black is bae' I say!
For you dare not bleach to me.

Many yearn for my opposite,
As they stand not to be me.
Yet! Deep down, they are me,
Craft in God's art,
And here I am, with a final touch by
Kabeerjk's craft.

Bright and true I shine
The treasure of mother earth
A work of art, born to woo.
I'm the testament of beauty.
A beacon of hope.
I say "black is bae"
A treasure to behold for all to see.

My beauty is eternal,
For my black is bae.
The Symbol of strength that shall never fall.
I'm here to stay,
As a treasure that's forever
And shall never fade away.

The Golden PenπŸ–‹πŸ–‹


24 MAR AT 22:34


Nusaibah, you're lovely, it's true,
Your name, like a flower, is fresh and new.
Your face, your eyes, they shine,
Each feature so perfect, so fine.
Your heart is kind, your soul is bright,
A treasure to have in my sight.

Your smile is bright, your laugh delights A friend,
It warms the nights.
Your presence is a gift, your being, a prize,
You light up the world with your eyes.
Your beauty is more than skin deep,
A treasure we hope to always keep.

Nusaibah, a blessing, it's true,
Each moment with you a joy anew.
Your friendship is a gift, your love? a prize.
I cherish each moment, no lies.

Nusaibah, a light in the dark
Your beauty so pure, your soul is so bright,
A treasure we hold day and night.
Your presence is our comfort.
It's No surprise, we are so lucky!
Iftar Mubarak the 'Noble one'

The Golden PenπŸ–‹οΈπŸ–‹οΈ


29 FEB AT 1:10


My State man,
The man of the people.
Man were im river no go ever dry.
Man were envy no man.
Man were dey mount all edges
For niggas.
Man were God gift to us
The 001 of my squad.
Other dey callam ofello, me prefer R2
Our oga say na KARTUπŸ˜‚
Man were If I lookam,
I dey look sky thank Creator.
From day one, you have been here for me.
You have shown nothing but love to me.
You make me laugh, and you make me smile.
You dey dey for me at all time R2!
When I was wrong or right, you say it.
A blood, my buddy and a best friend.
All in one! you have been.
And come rain, come storm.
Like an iroko, I will stand by you.
Watching your six now, after
And forever.

The Golden Pen πŸ–‹πŸ–‹


26 FEB AT 3:34

The Night!

The night,
I don't fear.
But what hunts,
I fear.

Retiring to my nest,
Wanting to bury my soul,
Dying for the day.
But then, comes the hunters.
I fear my night-mares.

In the day, I think of the night.
How I soaked pillows,
And swim in tears.
Your smiles hunting me.
And your voice in my head,
Talking to me.
Your laughter betraying my sadness,
Your tears betraying my smiles.

Peacefully I want to die for the day.
I need to,
I yearn to,
But I can't,
As you hunt .......

Your promise I hold in my hands,
Never wanting to let go.
Holding unto those tiny fingers.
As frosty night of a winter
Is your touch.
Loving her took not a day.
But forgetting her will take a life time.

The Golden PenπŸ–‹πŸ–‹


18 FEB AT 19:47

An alluring star you are.
And I'm the sky.
You are the cloud,
I am the rain.
I cry when you are sad.

Initially! Never will we come to pass.
For you are my Juliet,
And I? Your Romeo.
Blur to others,
But clearer to my lines and eyes.

At first! We grew together.
Her smiles became my smiles.
And her sadness are my tears.
Brightening my days with those smiles.
Killing all the worth in me,
And owning my heart and soul.

And now! We grow apart.
Strangers of our love we become.
So, I left sooner.
Waking up from my slumber......
A dream..........
(A dream that never happened!)
(A lover that never exist!)

The Golding Pen πŸ–‹πŸ–‹


29 DEC 2023 AT 1:00



As life happens in the mirage,
Brace up! For the mirage just began.
Each and every bile I will gulp.
Emptying and throwing a toast
To bitter taste.

As I proclaim.......
"You don't need to hurt me before you win."
We all are travelers,
Tenants perhaps.
As before you, my journey might come to an end.
So, allow me to gulp what life offers.

In the battle, I struggle to survive,
Not wanting to get trampled.
Hopes living as fresh as greens,
For before a gold comes out shining In it's glory,
It has to pass through fire.......

The Golden Pen πŸ–‹πŸ–‹


29 DEC 2023 AT 0:42



Take the mirage as a traveler.
A visitor perhaps,
Not to dine and whine,
Lust and relaxed like a sleeping
Crescent above the sky.
So they said!

Others whine and dine to their
The great sermon they forgot.
Others desire to dine and whine
To the tune.
But in the mirage,
Life happens.........

The Golden Pen πŸ–‹πŸ–‹


29 DEC 2023 AT 0:35



Save me from myself,
As the shadow of myself I become.
In the quest of life,
I lost a jewel.
Such is the price,
In the street of crazy
And evil world.

I bleed to be sane
In this insane world.
A cup of wine for the courage
And fear.

A battle it is,
Struggle to survive or
Get trampled.......

The Golden Pen πŸ–‹πŸ–‹


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