Mou Panda Mou   (✍️ Mou)
139 Followers · 42 Following

I don’t treat people badly, I treat them accordingly..😉
Papa's ladly ♥️
Joined 12 June 2020

I don’t treat people badly, I treat them accordingly..😉
Papa's ladly ♥️
Joined 12 June 2020
17 APR 2022 AT 5:00

Overthinkers are the most sensitive Human Beings.


17 APR 2022 AT 4:59

Overthinking is linked to psychological problems, like depression and anxiety. It's likely that overthinking causes mental health to decline and as your mental health declines, the more likely you are to overthink.


17 APR 2022 AT 4:57

I don't thinked problems that don't exist but I over think searching solutions of my present problems.


4 APR 2022 AT 21:18

People will come and go in life. But the person in the mirror will be there forever. So be good to yourself.


4 APR 2022 AT 21:13

Some people just like you and wants you because they can use you for their own benefits and selfishness. Don't be too much available by giving yourself and your time. Learn to say No sometimes. Learn to make a person realize your worth.


4 APR 2022 AT 21:10

Never regret being a good person to the wrong people. Your behavior says everything about you, and their behavior says enough about them. Do everything with a good heart and expect nothing in return, and you will never be disappointed.


4 APR 2022 AT 21:07

Sometimes patience is losing when your at the peak of anger when someone provoked you.


4 APR 2022 AT 21:05

Having someone who would cry for you is a blessing.

Having someone who would make you laugh until your stomach hurts is an ultra blessing.

But having someone who would convert your cries to laughs is heavenly.


4 APR 2022 AT 21:04

Arguing with anyone will only give you stress. Silence is the best remedy to avoid problems.


4 APR 2022 AT 20:47

Everything is possible when time is gone right everyone doesn't have same circumstances nd same mindset so when time will come everything happening good.


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