Monalisa Mishra   (Monalisa Mishra)
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Sometimes I remember I used to write
Joined 7 December 2017

Sometimes I remember I used to write
Joined 7 December 2017
19 JUN 2020 AT 12:35

The darkest sky in night
You will feel alright
To share the deep picture
You will use monochrome capture
To show you are cool
You will use black sweat as your tool
To fulfill your beauty eyes goal
You will apply kohl
To have the gadgets selection
You will need classy black collection
But when it comes to my skin
Why are you not keen?


14 JUN 2020 AT 8:16

Fire Fly
Flies around with a little glow
Why do you wander so slow ?
Roaming around willow
With warm wind blow
Gleaming stream flow
Enlightening every hollow
Oh! my little luminous fellow


8 JUN 2020 AT 11:48

Universe so high
Shimmering glittery sky

World without a single lie
Unique creatures fly
Daydreaming gives a sigh

Thoughts dwelling with open eyes
Books just bid goodbyes


5 JUN 2020 AT 9:50

Dark nights are yet to come
Promises were never kept
Innocence considered scum
Truth cautiously crept

Hope have lost its existence
Everyone abandoned sympathy
Happiness enganged persistence
Universe surrounded with apathy

All wants to live in an illusion
Because noone knows the solution


19 OCT 2018 AT 23:17

Success has opened gate
You have your date
Enter into it my mate
Don't be late
Haters gonna hate
Don't have faith in fate
Otherwise you will regret


18 OCT 2018 AT 11:46

Don't feel low
You will also glow
The process may be slow
But you know
You will become a pro


18 JUN 2018 AT 12:37

oh! my dear Dad
you can handle all the situations which are bad
you never portray that you are sad
your happy face makes me smile
your sad face makes me fragile
you're the one who selflessly thinks about us all alone
you are my hero
who can make ginormous from zero
the one who do good deeds
and sacrifice all his greeds
for fulfilling our needs
is a real god indeed


14 MAY 2018 AT 17:16

हर कोई तो माँ के प्यार को जनता है
पर मैने तो उन छिपी हुई कुर्बानियों को देखा है
जो कुछ इस प्रकार है
सुबह पाँच बजे उठकर
घर के सारे काम निपटा कर
सब को खाना देकर
खुद देर से क्यों खाती हो?
माँ ये सब तुम कैसे कर लेती हो?
सारे दुख, कष्ट सहकर
दर्द को अपना बनाकर
अपनी सारी इच्छाओं को मारकर
अपने चेहरे पे एक खिलता हुआ झूठा मुस्कान कैसे ले अति हो?
माँ ये सब तुम कैसे कर लेती हो?
दुसरो के लिए कुर्बानियाँ करना
अपनी बिल्कुल फिक्र न करना
हर चीज़ में दुसरो का सहारा बनना
और अपना अस्तित्व मिटा देना
ये सब तुम कहाँ से सिख लेती हो?
माँ ये सब तुम कैसे कर लेती हो?


6 MAY 2018 AT 21:53

मंजिल है पास
हे तू मंज़िल के आसपास
सबको है तेरे से आस
रख खुद पे विस्वास
कर ले अपने मस्तिष्क का विकास
हो जाएंगे पूरे तेरे सारे 'काश'
कर दे तू अपने डर का सर्वनाश
और बन जा तू एक इंसान खासम खास


29 APR 2018 AT 21:30

If you are in stress
and the situation is mess
people are gossiping excess
Don't be depress
Just talk less
Think and express
Start to progress
Then all will be impress
Because you have discovered success


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