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Joined 21 November 2021

Joined 21 November 2021
14 JAN AT 10:44

I ponder why people ought to give so much importance to the humanly feelings and relations

As all I got by my indefinable sacrificial feeling is loneliness and some self centric souls circling around me

The more i tried to end it ,my heart which was trapped to be a
Exquisite centre of care for feelings of others refuted and persuade on my mind and decision.

These toxic relations end up ruining my life with the heart being a feeling soaking sponge .

That day i understood that the "love" which we call by a poecilonym "care" must be preserved in order for us to use it efficiently in the world which has a scarcity and clueless distribution of it.


Seems Mohammad has not written any more Quotes.

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