missHijabie J   (Her_thoughts)
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Joined 20 October 2020

Joined 20 October 2020
19 JUL 2021 AT 5:23

The night often brings with it tidings of hope.
Hope for a new beginning and an end to the worries of day.
But many a nights are spent awake, feelings of enigma surrounded.
It takes a sound heart to overcome the thoughts of it.
Make use of those sleepless nights to lay out your worries to the controller of your affairs, to one who is responsive; to Allah.


25 MAY 2021 AT 5:18



31 JAN 2021 AT 5:36

Allah will never let your effort’s go to waste,
He hears your silent cries,
And knows what your heart yearns for.
In a world filled with anarchy, seek your calm from Him❤️


26 JAN 2021 AT 6:53

A child I was, painted a picture perfect world.
With no worries but candy and cookies,
I had the will to dream and fantasize,
longed for the day I'd sprout.
As the days rolled by, worries and responsibilities are the norm.
Adulthood is simply a path I'd never walk,
If only I had a clear picture of reality.


6 JAN 2021 AT 21:07

A new daw brings with it new beginnings,
The days that passed you by are gone forever.
Be present,
Don't dwell on the whims of old,
live your best moments and let the past stay where it belongs.


6 JAN 2021 AT 3:05

Life passes us by while we procrastinate over things and situations we can't control,
All we see is a bottomless pit when it comes to hope for a new start.
We've been told we only get one shot at life, so why waste it?
This moment is all you have, seize it.
You're not promised tomorrow, no matter how much you run away from reality,
One day, your eyes will be closed forever,
You'll become just a memory to many,
slowly fading as the days roll by.


24 OCT 2020 AT 19:10

You've been still for long,
Consumed by that which outwits you,
Conceded to the temptation of wanting to please the lot.
You've been spellbind by your fears,
Made a prisoner to the whispering of your soul.
So, flow! Let a lot of you be seen
Trample upon that gigantic mountain of fear,
Break the shackles that keep you still,
Grow and heal,
Let His mercy fill you to the brim,
Let your waters be enveloped by hope.


24 OCT 2020 AT 5:15

Hope for a new dawn,
A new beginning,
Where the language of humanity unites us,
And our hearts overflow with love for all
A world inhabited by selfless souls,
For that day, we yearn!!


20 OCT 2020 AT 16:56

When you love;
Be selfless, be fearless and most of all stay true to yourself
When you leave;
Do not dwell on what wasn't meant to be,
Breathe it out and cling on hope for a better dawn.


20 OCT 2020 AT 16:48

I'm just Human,
I refuse to portray a flawless character.
I feel, even though I'm taught to hide my fears
I cry, let's face it, I'm just human.
I love; so selflessly that it hurts,
and most importantly,
Enough excuses,
I've given many a chance to break me,
But no more.
I'm just human,
There's a dot to all I can take.


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