Md Amjad Ali ย  (Amjad Ibrahimโœ๏ธ)
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Joined 28 May 2020

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Joined 28 May 2020

In the realm of grown, responsibilities unfurled,
Navigating life's tides, a maturing world.
Blossoming into self, with wisdom's grace twirled.



Sailing through dreams, a mesmerizing retreat,
A symphony of colors, vibrant and sweet.
Time's embrace, a moment to cherish,
Unveiling wonders that Saturdays nourish.

Reveling in nature's tender grace,
Dancing with flowers, a gentle embrace.
Awakening passions, dreams set free,
Yearning hearts find solace and glee.


17 MAY AT 21:20

Unshackled souls dance,
freedom's symphony
ignites our hearts.


17 MAY AT 19:56

In the realm of numbers, let's explore,
A tale of Twenty Five, I'll now implore.
A number that carries a special grace,
Let's embark on its poetic embrace.
Twenty Five, a blend of two and five,
A union of energies, oh so alive.
Two, the symbol of balance and union,
Five, representing change and communion.
In the realm of time, a quarter's mark,
Where memories and dreams embark.
A milestone reached, a celebration due,
Twenty Five, a chapter that's anew.
In years, it signifies youth's sweet prime,
A canvas of possibilities, sublime.
With vigor and zest, life's journey unfolds,
As Twenty Five's story beautifully molds.
It's a time of growth, of self-discovery,
Where passions ignite, forging destiny.
With lessons learned and wisdom gained,
Twenty Five, a number to be sustained.
So let us honor this numeric treasure,
With gratitude for every moment's measure.
Embrace the adventures that lie ahead,
As Twenty Five's essence is widely spread.
May it be a year of joy and delight,
A tapestry woven in colors so bright.
Twenty Five, a number that holds the key,
To a future filled with endless possibility.


16 MAY AT 23:09

Loyalty is the unwavering commitment,
To stand by someone through every moment.
A bond that withstands tests of time and adversity.


16 MAY AT 23:08

Lingering whispers of a gentle breeze,
Overflowing hearts, entwined with ease.
Vibrant colors dance, like the stars above,
Embracing souls in a tapestry of love.

Luminous moonlight, an ethereal glow,
Oceans of emotions, forever in flow.
Vows spoken softly, a promise to keep,
Endless affection, profound and deep.

Letting go of fears, embracing the unknown,
Open arms, a sanctuary we have known.
Vulnerable souls, intertwined and free,
Everlasting devotion, our destiny.


15 MAY AT 22:08

Life's journey, a winding road,
With hills to climb and burdens to unload.
Embrace the ups, the joyful highs,
And find strength within when tears arise.

For in the valleys, where shadows dwell,
We learn to rise, to break the spell.
Adversity's touch, a teacher profound,
Guiding us to growth, where wisdom is found.

The sun may hide, behind clouds of gray,
But know that storms too shall pass away.
Raindrops cleanse, rejuvenate the soul,
Nourishing resilience that makes us whole.

With every stumble, there's a chance to learn,
To gather courage, to rise and discern.
For even in darkness, stars still shine,
Leading us forward, with purpose divine.

So let us embrace life's intricate dance,
Embracing both joy and sorrow's advance.
For in the tapestry of moments we weave,
We find strength, gratitude, and the power to believe.


15 MAY AT 22:06

In the twilight's glow, a starry night,
Whispers soft, like dreams take flight.
A gentle breeze, through meadows it sweeps,
Caressing petals as the world sleeps.

Silent moon, with its silver sheen,
Casting shadows on the velvet green.
A symphony of crickets chant,
Nature's lullaby, so nonchalant.

The river flows, a tranquil stream,
Reflecting stars, a cosmic gleam.
Leaves embrace the earth's grand design,
A tapestry of life, so divine.

Time tiptoes by, a fleeting guest,
Leaving memories, the heart's bequest.
With every sunset, a promise anew,
Of mornings drenched in golden hue.

So let us cherish, this gift we're lent,
Embrace each moment, with love's intent.
For life's a waltz, a fleeting affair,
Let's dance together, in time's sweet air.


14 MAY AT 19:53

Nestled in the heart of a verdant meadow,
Noble flowers bloom, their colors aglow.
Nurtured by the sun's warm, golden rays,
Nature's symphony plays in harmonious ways.

Nimbus clouds dance across the azure sky,
Nightingales serenade with lullabies.
Nostalgic whispers of a gentle breeze,
Nebulous dreams drift through the trees.

Nebulas sparkle, distant and vast,
Nurturing galaxies destined to last.
Nurturing souls with love and grace,
Nourishing spirits, leaving a trace.

Nocturnal creatures awaken from slumber,
Navigating darkness, they never cumber.
Nebulous thoughts, like stars, align,
Nourishing hearts with dreams divine.

Nature's palette, a kaleidoscope of hues,
Nestled secrets whispered by the muse.
Nestled within, the universe unfolds,
Nurturing stories waiting to be told.


13 MAY AT 21:06

One color that never fails to captivate me is a rich and vibrant hue that can be found in nature, art, and various aspects of our daily lives. It evokes a sense of tranquility and harmony, while also carrying a touch of mystery and allure. Its presence can instantly uplift my mood and create a serene atmosphere. This color has a timeless appeal and holds a special place in my heart for its ability to inspire creativity and ignite a sense of wonder.


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