Maverick Vikas   (Maverick_vikas9)
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Joined 15 May 2020
14 JUL 2021 AT 0:06

---- सीख ----

ख़बरों को बिन मक़सद ही उछाला जाए
आस्तीन के सांपों को पाला जाए
एक मर्म और ढूंढ़ निकाला जाए |

जड़-चेतन के बीच एक ज़ेहनी पुल बनाया जाए
एक किरदार और निभाया जाए
आस्तीन के सांपों को पाला जाए
उन्हें ना ज़िन्दगी से निकाला जाए ||


2 JUL 2021 AT 12:33

Experiencing the silence is about approaching intelligence while living the silence is attaining it.


3 MAY 2021 AT 22:56

Start making money out of your problems; the problems will no longer be problems.


3 MAY 2021 AT 22:35

Stories have never been single-layered; it's the writer who takes pity on readers.


2 MAY 2021 AT 15:59

Some easy takeaways from the assembly elections recently held in 5 states:-
A comparative data -

National literacy rate of India is ~74%.

1) Literacy rate of West Bengal is ~76%
2) Literacy rate of Keral is ~96%
3) Literacy rate of Puducherry is ~80%
4) Literacy rate of Tamilnadu is ~80%
While that of
5) Assam is ~73%
So, you can see whichever state is having its Literacy rate above the national average (~74%), that state is denying BJP from taking power into its hands. In the same line of thinking one can assume that the day UP and MP (current Literacy Rates ~69% and ~70%) surpass the national literacy rate by a good margin, these states too shall march towards denying BJP from taking stronghold.


26 JAN 2021 AT 14:32

When life and death are just two terms, no big and no small force can prompt you to loosen your vigour. Bigs don't seem big enough to kowtow before. Life starts with two folds, sooner or later one has to embrace this reality. So many marvels do not startle you. Profound and meaningful existence is the only thing that matters to you.


29 DEC 2020 AT 15:06

Freedom of thought and expression are the biggest gifts to the mankind. No constitution, but the manhood itself vouch for it. To be able to say and to be able to assert are two different things. To be able to say may or may not be flanked by conceit but a simple innocent urge or yearning without servitude or proclivity to bow before any embodiment, while assertion is kind of imposing one's thought or say (devoid of reasoning or fraught with humor and reason)
upon the other.


23 OCT 2020 AT 3:14

Frankly speaking, we are a country that obtrusively flaunts getting its share of bread. We celebrate 'the bread' as some epiphany. Our ancestors were said to be very grateful for everything; from bread to water to fruits to trees to rivers to mountains to animals to birds to fellow humans, they left behind a huge legacy in that sense, but modern Indians (in any west-based research journal) are portrayed as the least grateful of the lot.

Noticeably, noble sycophancy has supplanted the solicited gratefulness at higher echelons, while at lower echelons kowtowing with markedly despicable subservience has very suitably entrenched its clumsily ill-fated place. At times, this whole dichotomy befuddles me to my core - as to why remarkably grateful creatures (Indians) are shown in belittling hue (not-so-grateful) afar.


2 OCT 2020 AT 9:06

Gandhi- the peaceful possessor of attention- was an overarching force. He had a very easy way of being non-adamantly adamant. His was a persona that could resonate with nearly every introverted Indian, the extroverted ones were a bit critical of him. He could rein his anger by taking it to a rather ideological plank and viewing it from a relatively detached and raised stage. That Gandhi became immortal when killed by a so-called radical hindu (modern nationalist). He commanded his life with aplomb, having written nearly all the aspects of his life without a miss.

Gandhi will remain relevant for India till next 50 years, but for world he will remain relevant forever. 


19 AUG 2020 AT 13:05

People and Media trials are the need of the hour. It ensures powerful people remain under the ambit of the constitution. It further ensures the balky ruffians don't get away without getting shamed and punished. It unites whole humanity against every injustice which is rampant under the patronage of the big and powerful.


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