Mariah De Rossi   (Sabina Yesmin)
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Joined 26 November 2017

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Joined 26 November 2017
25 JUL AT 15:18

They make sad faces and wish it didn't happen to me but what do they know? This sickness in my mind, this forgetfulness is a gift from above, for me to swim through the ocean of life with dignity. You die from the amount of pain I know otherwise. You have to forget to remember you are still alive.


25 JUL AT 11:38

Out beyond the maze of aspirations
and achievements, there's an island
where ordinary is beautiful and
living is a gift. I love you there.


25 JUL AT 2:08

I am too lazy to look at my scars and recollect the tormenting events every time I am alone with myself. To remain a victim even after the accident is just not in my blood. To suffer needlessly is a satisfaction I don't want to give to the oppressors. I tend to my bruises and learn to heal instead. I don't carry the baggage of someone else's sins on me. I am quite unreachable that way.


24 JUL AT 20:48

My liberation notes -1


24 JUL AT 9:24

I have changed the vocabulary. I don't call myself damaged anymore. I merely call it weathering —the necessary breaking and falling that takes place for the weak branches of a long standing tree during storms. Not because I am someone astronomically inspiring, because this body doesn't deserve to be seen as a victim after all it has endured. If anything, it's a monument of endurance, courage and perseverance. Nothing else explains why I look at myself and see a path carefully carved for the newly lost to return to themselves.


23 JUL AT 10:51

It's not that I don't enjoy being among people, but sometimes, I seek silence, as desperately as a lonely man craves a company, because every now and then, the dead inside me comes alive and shutting the world out is the only way I protect my undiscovered from the malice of human perceptions.


22 JUL AT 22:17

I don't ever explain anything to anyone because a part of me always wishes to remain unknown. The book that is read by all is also the book that is perceived in hundreds of different ways. And that for me is exhausting sometimes. I keep the truth to myself and read the versions of me given by others with amusement instead. Thus, I remain seen by all, and known by few.


22 JUL AT 15:43

In order to develop strategies to overcome and manage procrastination, it's very important to find out the underlying causes. Procrastination can be caused by many factors like lack of motivation, fear of failure which makes one delay the task, low self-esteem, easy access to distracting activities, anxiety, decision fatigue etc. As you can see, different causes demand different courses of actions.

However, here are some common ways to overcome procrastination:

1. Visualize the consequences of the delay in the long run.
2. Use the Pomodoro technique wherein you work in short bursts followed by short breaks.
3. Set boundaries. Eliminate distractions.
4. Gain clarity. Find out the why behind the task. Seat deadlines.
5. Practice self-discipline. Feed your mind with motivation and curiosity.
6. Address the emotional barriers.
7. Use Three Column Techniques.


22 JUL AT 1:51



21 JUL AT 14:23

I have trained over four thousand minds over the past seven years. I have seen people break in myriad ways, each fracture unique, each reason distinct. And with each new encounter the definition of healing continued to change.

So, now when you ask me to talk about healing, I don't talk about techniques and practices first. I don't talk about acceptance right away, though both are undeniably essential. Instead , I begin with a truth that has crystallized over years of observation: the first step to healing is recognising you are broken enough and you can't break any further. The only thing you can do now is either surrender to the hopelessness or be brave enough to make a difference. The first step to healing is being stubborn. It's the willingness to live better, to not succumb to the suffering. The next thing to do to prove your willingness is setting boundaries. To take time to hear yourself more. To understand the connection of your mind, body and soul.

What often appears as the product of motivational speeches and ritualistic practices is, in fact, a profound journey inward. It's a voyage into the depths of your being, uncovering the strength that lies dormant within.


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