Manju Murugesan  
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Joined 14 March 2018

Joined 14 March 2018
31 DEC 2020 AT 22:28

Dear me!

This is for you from you...
Remember that this decade made you better and strong than ever
And also remember that next decade will be more special
Since you're gonna stand on your own
Since you're gonna decide on your own
The day when you feel lost just come over here and read this
Do you know this is THE simple letter wrote by anyone to you?
So keep it simple
Live as you wish
Live as long as you wish
Let today's you envy future you for being more independent and colourful
Love you myself❤️!


14 DEC 2020 AT 20:16

அவளின் நரம்புக்குள் சிறைப்பட்ட வாழ்க்கையை
அவள் விடுவித்துக்கொண்டிருந்தாள்
புன்னகை எனும் வளைவு வாயிலாக...,


10 DEC 2020 AT 20:33

அவளை இழந்த வலி குறைவு
இழந்ததை மறந்த வலியை விட...,


8 NOV 2020 AT 22:20

This is very good finish for all beginners
A completed mission is half successful even if lost
Keeping hope till the last matters not the winner list
As long as you keep trying,the success is approachable maybe sometime later but for sure
Keep trying and get winning...,


8 NOV 2020 AT 22:17

நான் அவளை அப்படியே நினைத்துகொண்டு உருகுகிறேன் என்று
என்னிடம் இருக்கும் மூளைக்கே இது புரியாத போது
எங்கோ ஓர் மூலையில் ஒளிரும் நிலவவளுக்கா தெரியப்போகிறது?...,


8 NOV 2020 AT 22:15

Your vision is larger
Problems don't define you
They refine you
Be happy that your see difficult tasks ahead
They show you in limelight always
Stay positive and focused...,


7 NOV 2020 AT 22:33

Initial interest pays nothing
Just enrolling additional timetable
It's your thought which drives you
Every finish has a start
But not every start finishes fully
Start and finish
Efforts pay much...,


7 NOV 2020 AT 22:31

There stays my soul
Resting in the darkness brightly
Showing moon uts beauty
Tearing the bright sorrow into pieces
Facing the true darkness with will
Yes.. I'm right over you
I'm not a star but I shine since I burn...,


7 NOV 2020 AT 22:28

மழை தராத முகிலைப்போலவே
அழகு இருப்பினும் அவா...,


6 NOV 2020 AT 21:26

The days are really bad
They steal my moon
They hide my tears
They make me strong
I hate strength
I need to be weak
So that I can fall apart soon and gather myself again soon
I hate the days which make feel I'm strong
I am weak
I am extremely weak...,


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