Manita Malhotra Kotra  
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Joined 2 September 2020

Joined 2 September 2020
29 JUL 2023 AT 21:24

One thing I have realised is that when you are happy from within, you can still experience a sense of joy in chaos, but when you are low and sad, even the most happy moments seem like a chaos. It all starts with you.

Change your perception for the good!

~Anoushka K.


6 JUL 2023 AT 23:11

ज़िन्दगी जीना अलग बात है ,
लेकिन ज़िन्दगी का अनुभव करना ही असली ज़िन्दगी है ।।


4 JUL 2023 AT 22:11

Dwelling on a situation means draining of your soul!
Decisions are supposed to be conclusive in nature.
Be firm and hold your ground.

~Anoushka K.


1 JUL 2023 AT 21:46

You glow different when you are treated right.
And remember, no one better than you yourself can treat you the way you want to be treated. So, be kind, be gentle, be respectful and be loving towards yourself.
It starts with you!

~Anoushka K.


30 JUN 2023 AT 21:59

Beginnings are easy, endings are hard, but sustaining is the hardest..!
To sustain is to value!

~Anoushka K.


19 JUN 2023 AT 5:50

At times, self-care demands distancing yourself from people who stress you. And, that’s okay, one shouldn’t feel guilty about it, because at the end, mental well-being matters. It matters how you feel about yourself because you deserve people who lift you up and not who drag you down.


7 JUN 2023 AT 23:21

A door that is closed can always be knocked again, but can’t be forcefully opened. It depends on the person who has closed the door for you to let you in.
If it doesn’t open, be wise to understand you are not meant to stand there waiting for it to be opened, instead find the one that will welcome you.

~Anoushka K.


7 JUN 2023 AT 14:27

“Life is like a coin . You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once. If you do it right, once is enough “.


1 MAY 2023 AT 22:02

एक सहेली मिली कुछ सालों बाद
मौसम वैसा ही जगह भी वो ही
मैंने कहा गीत सुनादे वो हीं
उसने समा बाँध दिया उस गीत के साथ


29 APR 2023 AT 18:47

Light is always there even if it’s taken over by the clouds and storm.

In life, we focus on the surface, but if we try and look beyond, we will realise the value and worth of what lies beneath!
So, it could be dark today, but it will be worth for the light that’s going to shine bright on us tomorrow!

~Anoushka K.


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