Mallika Bhattacharjee   (Mallika)
123 Followers · 11 Following

I'm a dreamer! 🌠
Just a clueless introvert lost in its path of life. 🐾
Joined 16 November 2019

I'm a dreamer! 🌠
Just a clueless introvert lost in its path of life. 🐾
Joined 16 November 2019
27 NOV 2022 AT 0:11

जो कहानी शुरू हुई ,
वो ख़त्म भी होगी
ये आसमाँ हर सच्चाई की
गवाही भी देगी..
हमारे ज़िंदादिली का
किस्सा भी जपेगा,
ये ज़माना हर गुनाह का
हिसाब गिन गिन कर लेगा..
जिसने खोया है
उसे बरकत मिलेगी,
दुनिया से परे
उसे महोब्बत भेंट मिलेगी..
लफ्ज़ जो न कर पाएं बयां
वो आंखे कर पाएंगी,
जब तेरा मेरा अफ़साना
ये दुनिया गुनगुनाएगी।


11 NOV 2022 AT 2:03

Even in my misery,
you're the only picture my eyes visualises.


11 NOV 2022 AT 1:55

I chose to walk miles to reach someone who refused to walk miles to reach me.


11 OCT 2022 AT 0:39

What my lips couldn't. They speak the words that this world refused to hear. They speak the depths of my sadness, the trauma of the darkness. They speak my tale. They speak of me.


25 FEB 2022 AT 0:34

I wanna situate my whole world around them.
Little by little, I try to find the comfort that I missed for ages.
Little by little, I try to look for the lost pieces that once belonged to me.
I do it because it's You.
And for me, Home belongs to the person who makes me feel I'm at Home, not a certain place.


20 FEB 2022 AT 1:23

Probably the existence of mutual love will always be a foreign concept for a one-sided lover. — % &


23 JAN 2022 AT 0:50

Having people to talk to but nobody to understand.

Emptiness feels like abundance of liking but nobody to love.

Emptiness feels like, having a heart but not having you in it.

Emptiness is, Me without You.


21 JAN 2022 AT 0:46

You know, it's like looking at someone and getting lost in their eyes? You like everything about them. You notice every little thing they do and you can't help but laugh at how silly you've been acting around them. That moment, when you're confused about your feelings towards that person but you know you wanna see them everyday. Attend classes, have lunch, go shopping, literally do every little thing in your life with them. That's when you start falling for them. You don't measure the consequences, you just go all the way for it. 💗 have you felt it yet?


13 DEC 2021 AT 0:56

How eagerly my eyes looks out for you, my soul yearns for you and my body longs for you. Few days feel like months and months feel like eternity. I wish I could tell you that I want to stop the time the moment we reunite. I wish I could tell you I want to rewind the moment we saw each other for the first time. I wish I could tell you how much I like you, to the point where I see nobody else, but you!


15 NOV 2021 AT 0:56

There will be hurdles,
There will be obstacles.
It won't be suddenly vanished
Because I'm in love.
But it will be a lot less,
Because you're with me.
In the path of love,
There will be betrayals,
There will be misunderstandings.
It won't be all rosy
Because I'm in love.
But it will give me the power,
To fight through this world,
If you're with Me!


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