Madhav 🙂   (मुमुक्षु)
2.0k Followers · 2.2k Following

Read my quotes and you shall know me.. For, I have penned what I am..
Joined 27 December 2020

Read my quotes and you shall know me.. For, I have penned what I am..
Joined 27 December 2020
13 MAY 2021 AT 6:56

An untold Love is better than a Love said and broke hearts and relations...
Isn't it?


17 JUL 2021 AT 18:48

Quitting YQ forever.. Thanks for the support all these days. Have a great time


16 JUL 2021 AT 22:33

Be as much confident you can be, be as much courageous you can be, be as perfect in your work as you can be, still
There is a small fear when it comes to the result. Because the result decides the efficiency you worked with, atleast that is what the vote of the folk.


15 JUL 2021 AT 17:14

Once when you know what is to be attained
There is left only one thing to do


14 JUL 2021 AT 11:29

Death and Life are your only two friends... Only true friends


13 JUL 2021 AT 22:13

Sometimes very intelligent and brilliant ones
Become trapped in over thinking every moment..
Sometimes, just let go off certain events..
Don't make a mountain out of a molehill every time...
I know it's easy to say... So a free tip to be relaxed
In caption


11 JUL 2021 AT 11:32

A spiritual hunger is a person's own search...
No age is best for it, no day is best for it, no place is best for it,
It can happen at any age, any day, any place, any circumstance...
Because the hunger to spirituality occurs from thought of experiences, and thinking capacity and experience see neither age, nor time, nor place, nor people....


9 JUL 2021 AT 19:14

मानवता का सबसे बड़ा शत्रु हैं लालसा....
लालसा वो डाकू है जो करुणा, धर्म, विवेक, संतोष, विश्वास रूपी पांचों रत्नों को पता भी ना चले ऐसे सफाई से लूट ले जाता है...
सतर्क रहिए


8 JUL 2021 AT 10:49

Do you like to bonded?
No, right?!

Then free yourself intellectually of all relations, bonds, definitions and limitations.
You will find infinite peace and that I assure to you without a bit of doubt


6 JUL 2021 AT 18:24

Your heart is the ocean of milk...
Keeping the mountain of relations and words as the snake
Good and bad people churn your heart....
And they take away all the precious objects of your righteousness, help, support, love and care....
But when it comes to the poison of anger, hurt and depression

You alone have to drink it, hold it away from your confidence, and move on.


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