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"Turns ur scars into dreams "
Joined 29 October 2019

"Turns ur scars into dreams "
Joined 29 October 2019
8 APR 2021 AT 10:48

बढ़े चलो बढ़े चलो जब तक है जान
कोई खरी खोटी सुनाए तो न देना कान,

मंजिल तुम्हारी है तो रास्ता खुद लिखना
किसी के लकीर खींचने पर मत रुकना,

रास्ते कठिन है तुम मत डरना
अपने हक़ के लिए आखिरी दम तक लड़ना,

तुम खुबसूरत हो यह हमेशा याद रखो
इस भिंड में खुद को पिछे मत रखो,

जो गलत है उस के लिए आवाज़ उठाओ
लेकिन जितने के लिए गद्दारी का तरीका न अपनाओ,

कुछ ऐसा कर की दुनिया देखे
इतिहास में तेरा नाम भी लिखे।


1 APR 2021 AT 12:45

कब तक घूँघट में छुपी रहोगी
अपने आँखों के आंसू से सब का पेट भरोगी
सपने को रात्रि तक सीमित रखोगी
और रोज सुबह उड़ते हुए पंक्षी को निहारोगी
कब तक घर के जिम्मेदारी में देबे रहोगी
खुद रातों को न जगकर अपनों का पेट भरोगी
सख्त औरत का मुखौटा पहनने रखोगी
और दुसरो को खुश देखकर मुस्कुरोगी
न तुम मशीन हो न ही कठपुतली
तुम एक खूबसूरत इनसान हो
ख़्वाहिशें ढेर सारी है और ख्वाब भी दखती हे तुम
इतने मुसकिलो का सामने किए आज खड़ी हो तुम
अब बस एक चीज करो
खुद के लिए आवाज़ उठाओ
कयोंकि आखिर में खुद के लिए
तुम्हें भी कहना पड़ेगा



3 AUG 2021 AT 14:26

Sometimes you change because of experience, so enjoy that change, because you are now a better version of yourself. U have to create a history and leave behind the ashes of toxic and dead things. This is how life will go on better and you will actually survive in this harsh world..


4 JUN 2021 AT 8:19


The lesson of pain teaches you that
don't always open yourself in an unknown valley,
The lesson of love teaches you that
you are the reason for someone reason to live,
The lesson of scars teaches you
that never trust anyone easily,
The lesson of confidence teaches you
to fly high,
The lesson of failure teaches you to
remould yourself in better version,
The lesson of success teaches you that
trust yourself in every situation,
The lesson of self love teaches you that
your body is the best gift,
The lesson of memories teaches you that
some people or things are never replaced..


9 APR 2021 AT 9:04

Do you remember the last time under the sky?
Counting the stars with a long slip of chai..
No worries no tension just hath mai hath
and planning for our forever sath..
Remember my proposal on the stairs!
My eyes we're literally full of tears,
Everyday u appreciate
Knowing that i can't even cook a complete plate..
Remember our cuddle and lovely hugs
aur chhat mai baithke listening to unplug,
I miss that days. .
Ye sab yaad karke my dil weighs,
Dil mai toh rahte ho
But still it feels that the
difference between the era of television and radio,
Waiting for that romantic nights again
Hearing "Beautiful women of this handsome man".
Still I pray to that "tuta hua tara"
Jaldi se karo "sath nibhaanaa sathiya


7 APR 2021 AT 10:19

Like unseasonal rain
There are always a unknown anxiety flowing through my vein
I tried everyday to find it out
But at the end I stay lying in doubt
Slowly whispered to myself
Is it my fault?
I didn't grew in adult!
My eyes saw seperation of love
Grown up in society where raising a voice is shut by glove
Lips struggle to say adore yourself
As my body is more to others than myself
Sometimes I wonder! why they laugh at me?
Just because I can flee
Now I don't care
Forever I'm stitched in square
Like unseasonal rain
There are always a unknown anxiety flowing through my vein


3 APR 2021 AT 8:24

Life for me ain't so comprehensible for me
I was miscalculate near everyone for carrying a soul inside me
As my body was covered with white saree and
my hands were scratched with broken bangles,
I went through dark with bare foot
Sleepless night went in search of subsistence
But my son!
They tried hard to break me, but I wasn't
I was beaten in the crowd, but l stood again for survival,
My son!
When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging is uphill,
When the funds are low, debts are high
You want to smile, but you have to shy,
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must, but never quit..


29 MAR 2021 AT 15:07

The World

The world has been a place
Where nothing has transparent base
Everyone wants to settle
Without facing the real furry battle

The world is totally shed and dead
Where people stick to their past rather moving ahead
All want to be the part of glamour
But the surging crowds presents as clamour

The world is emotionally sinking down
Sometimes killing themselves and sometimes attacking brown
There is no ultimate decision
As everybody works here on commission

The world is just full of vulnerable thorn
On the other side there is a rapid production of aimless born
Some really wants to change the ideology
Some wants to stick to that old orthodox mythology


1 FEB 2021 AT 11:21

I want to inundate in the waves of your curve
Sprinkling the water of our deep and crazy love,
Washing all the horrible and terrified memories
Holding your fingers to luxuriate the forthcoming ride..

I want to spread my fragrance in your rushing blood
By publishing my feelings in the book of your fortune,
Shining again in the light of this rude and labelled world
Beholding tightly my strength and trust of love again..

I want to drown in the pool of your fascinating love
Without worrying about the hurdles in our pavement,
I fill my journals with trinkets of today so that
Tomorrow they will sprout into bottomless emblem..


13 DEC 2020 AT 13:40

//Broken Promises//

Growing up in the sphere of restrain word
I furbelow my heart like a soft and feathery wings
The craving of my mind limits the pessimistic musings
The road ascribed me to a pure and elegance epitome
Flying in the musical cords of trust and belief
I wrapped myself in the sense of veracious inclination
Without keeping a second option in my glittery eyes

But my promises were broken badly by a masked critter
I fought for the unconditional and real tenderness
but he stayed his urge to unleash the hand cannons on them all
and he stood stiffly for the chicanery attachment
No options were provoking my teary eyes
I sheathe myself in the sense of vanquished inclination
Lying in the musical cords of pain and shock
The destination impute me to a fraud and lied personification..


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