Kushal Walia  
110 Followers · 4 Following

Joined 7 February 2018

Joined 7 February 2018
31 JUL 2018 AT 20:51

What A Potterful World

I see Common Welsh Green, Hungarian Horntail too;
I see Basilisk and Troll, wondering in the girl’s loo.
And I think to myself, what a Potterful world.

I see Centaurs and Ghouls, Thestrals n Leprechauns;
I see semi-formed living; on blood of unicorns.
And I think to myself, what a Potterful world.

I see Mandrake at Sprout’s, and a Whomping Willow;
I see teachers as Centaurs, with arrows and bows.
And I think to myself, what a Potterful world.

I see Seamus and Dean, Ron and Harry too;
And then there’s Longbottom, Oh, what to do.
And I think to myself, what a Potterful world.

I see Sirius and Lupin, and Snape in Green;
I see James and Peter, And Lily so serene.
And I think to myself, what a Potterful world.

Oh Reeta Skeeter! What a Potterful world.
Oh JK Rowling! What a Potterful world!!!


20 AUG 2020 AT 20:15

मच्छर !

जब बिस्तर पर मैं सो जाता, चुपके से वह अंदर आता।
कान में कहता अभी मत सोना, गालों पर वह लाली लाता।।

हाथ पैर बदन को छूता, कभी न सुख से सोने देता।
"कुछ नहीं, कुछ नहीं, मैं तो बस भोजन लेता।।"

मच्छर दानी, कछुआ-छाप जैसे यत्रों से भी न घबराता।
अपनी बहादुरी पर अपनी ही धुन में हर घढ़ी इठलाता।।

इठला कर, सर उठाकर, बड़ी शान से फिर वह कहता:
"तुम मुझे खून दो। मैं तुम्हें आज़ादी दूँगा।।"


14 JUL 2020 AT 6:31

Mermaid (I)

Oh look! The mermaid stands in the ocean
A mystery, in the eerie calmness of the sea
With her chestnut hairs flowing southwards
And a smile, directed towards none but me

From west to east runs her captivating smile
And her eyes that measure depth of the sea
Crystal-like! Shining with a child-like delight
Making me strong, and yet, weak in the knee

And now she laughs, whole and heart-filled
And dances, even when you can’t hear music
Glistening so brightly, she moves in elegance
And the sight is no short of being therapeutic

Her unsatiated curiosity seeks, unveils, finds
And her actions are enthusiastic and zealous
The pulchritudinous spirit is one to cherish
For she can have even Atlanteans be jealous


3 DEC 2019 AT 20:43


To bleed twice
Is the artist’s curse
Once through the heart
And then On The Canvas

If only he could
Pour his heart out once
The way he did through
The Oil On The Canvas

Perhaps love could
Satisfy the longing hearts
But what the souls need
Is The ART On The Canvas


3 DEC 2019 AT 20:41


I promise that you will find me, when you turn around
Flashing through skylight, or in the church bell’s sound

Albeit a little broken, or perhaps even a little torn apart
In your home you’ll find me, you’ll find me in your heart

In pictures of Amalfi you’ll find me, and on trodden paths
My aroma you’ll find in coffee, you’ll yearn for me in baths

My words you’ll hear, voices chanting hymns in your praise
In your existence, my dear, my essence will be near, always

You will find me where you left me, bleeding poems in pain
I promise that you will find me, when you turn around again


3 DEC 2019 AT 11:14


One day.
You will not be there
And I wouldn't survive a day without you.
Maybe they won't write books on it
Nor make movies
But our voices will be heard
In the deafening silence of the wood
And our love will not be forgotten.


8 NOV 2019 AT 23:52


When the light is still low upon the Earth, and the preparations done
You will walk in beauty to tie the knot, and send a bright flash to the sun

Flash that will lighten into my eyes & heart, from God’s land to cities afar
Oh, look today is the golden morning of love, and you are it’s morning star

And, as always, a pair of earrings will be sitting on your either of your ear
Not hidden from the eyes anymore, they will be twinkling as they sit there

Matching the shine of the morning of love that has now found a life anew
These earrings will again mimic, in their little self, a little piece of you


24 OCT 2019 AT 7:04


O’ would you like to talk?

No, you don’t know me, this I know
Only Insta-friended you a week ago
I’m certain that we have never met
To this Gurugram, I am fairly new
Oh tell me, are you a stranger too?

It might be too soon; and I unknown
But I could feel comfort in your tone
Or perhaps I only hoped that I did
Asking for the frosted walls to shatter
That stop our Insta-handles to chatter

One knows not what tales we may soon say
On the darkest night, or in the brightest day
But for now, take a leap & hold my hand
For I see that you, girl, are a stranger too
And in this Gurugram, I too am fairly new

So, would you like a walk?


10 SEP 2019 AT 5:49


I don’t say she’s a gold digger, though her hands may lust for gold
Her breasts are full of vigor, though her heart may be very cold

The heart’s on hairpin trigger, adjusting with a glittering mould
With looks to kill my rigour, raising chaotic desires uncontrolled

Greet her but only with a gift, for she’s in love with all the stuff
Else in a boat away she’d drift, for she just can never get enough

I longed to give it to her rough, but to approach her I was scared
Though I was calling her bluff, her beauty made me feel so bare

Perhaps I can never afford her, a gold-digger that is so shallow
My third-world life bored her, and now her beauty looks sallow

Yes, I doth now openly confess, my love was one without any cash
But her head’s an f’ed up mess, to ignore it & treat it like her trash

O’ pompous cunt, go run & hide, though your breasts are full of vigor
I think I know somewhere inside, I know you are a filthy gold digger


1 SEP 2019 AT 22:15


His actions were funny but the caring soul
Was mocked many times on way to his goal
A man of ideals, goodness, and determination
His creativity & chivalry earned him admiration

The Machiavellian world never gave him his due
For his ears, words of extol would be very new
But there was none to whom he could complain
He always carried a smile, hiding all the pain

Always be there as people’s guide and support
Helping them out of mysterious enchanting fort
Battling the foes, facing their smirks and tricks
He was none other than ‘MANIKIN of LUNATICS’


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