kunal raghuvanshi   (KSR)
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Joined 5 February 2018

Joined 5 February 2018
19 APR AT 22:25

People are creates to be loved and things are created by used. The reason why the world is in chaos is because things are being loved and people are being used.


19 APR AT 22:22

Sometimes we forget the most unbearable people have suffered from the most unbearable past.


6 FEB 2022 AT 22:59

It is extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bare your soul to and accept you for what you are.— % &


31 JUL 2021 AT 5:21

You will travel far, my little Go’el. My world may be lost, but this is your world now. Take what you need from it. Make a home for the orcs and let no one stand in your way. You are the son of light and Darkness, an unbroken line of chieftains. And our people need a leader now more than ever.


28 JUL 2021 AT 6:44

If you truly love someone, you'll go to the ends of the Earth to find them.


28 JUL 2021 AT 6:29

Darkness, the truest darkness, is not the absence of light. It is the conviction that the light will never return. But the light always returns, to show us things familiar. Home, family, and things entirely new, or long overlooked.


19 JUL 2021 AT 13:48

I call you my perfect girl because you are perfect to me not because I expect you to be perfect all the time...


2 JUL 2021 AT 0:12

“You want to know how you can tell if you're meant to be with someone? Just sit and have a conversation. Some people when you talk to them, it's like trying to listen to classical music on a radio with no antenna. You can push that dial back and forth all you want, but you only get the static. But when you're meant to be with someone, and they truly are the one, you just sit, start talking and a Beethoven sonata will begin to play.”


16 MAY 2021 AT 9:09

Don’t you think that if you keep lying, eventually no one, not even yourself, will be able to believe your own words?" 


15 JUL 2020 AT 23:23

We do not remember days, we remember moments. I remember her hand in mine and how that felt, as if something and someone belonged to me


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