Khyati Pareek   (everyonepoetry)
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Joined 24 December 2017

Joined 24 December 2017
21 MAR 2022 AT 18:51

"Dusk till dawn" is a lie
You'll always find yourself alone, in a dark night
You have to live through, you've to survive.
In the middle of a nightmare
Or in the crashing of waves
You'll hear your own voice
Echoing through the void.

You're alone again,
And there's no one in sight,
I guess it's true,
You walk on your journey alone,
Without anyone at your side.

"Together always" is a myth
And it's better if we break it.
Cause even your shadow leaves you when there's no light.

"Dusk till dawn" is a lie
You'll always find yourself alone, in the middle of a dark night... 
You've to live through, you've to survive.


8 FEB 2022 AT 14:13

There is so much in words,
But so little.
There is so much in life,
But so less.
There is so much in memories,
But so less in present.
There is so much in pain,
But so less in joy.
There is so much in spontaneity,
But so less in patience.
There is so much in love,
But so less in hatred.
There is so much in togetherness,
But so less in fighting apart.
There is so much is grieving,
But there's way more in happiness.
There is so much in anger,
But there's way more in regret.
There's so much in moments,
But there's way less of time.

There's so much to say,
But so little of courage.
There is so much in me,
But way, way more in "us".

There is so much to life,
And there is nothing after it...


26 DEC 2021 AT 1:42

There's a peace in familiarity that exceeds the exhilaration of exploring.

- Khyati Pareek


9 NOV 2021 AT 16:01

Remember never to hold grudges against people, because most of the villains in your story, poured their efforts on someone who broke them too.


6 NOV 2021 AT 20:44

Pleasure has some limits,
Limits only love can reach.


27 OCT 2021 AT 11:26

What are shooting stars but, dead dreams.
Fated to unite rising dreamers with wishes on the horizon as they hit.


19 JUL 2021 AT 21:19

I gave people chances,
And I thought it was love I was seeking through them.


5 JUL 2021 AT 19:37

Life: Different, unapologetic
and adventurous.


24 MAR 2021 AT 23:19

I tried so hard to love you,
That I forgot to how to love myself.


13 FEB 2021 AT 12:58

We are all love sick idiots,
playing Hide and Seek from what we truly desire,
while our hearts are scattered around us desiccating eternally.

We are slowly making way for our misery,
By the mere art of falling in love.
But for thou even dying is a trivial act,
Someday we will all be nothing but moments of the past.

But for thou, I would die a hundred lifetimes,
Fight a thousand battles,
Just for thou to honor my love with your unconditional happiness,
Even if it means thee not being mine.

And hence, another tale of a love-sick idiot shall be told,
In the centuries yet to unfold,
Thee name shalln't be forgotten even by my soul,
Thou shall live forever and evermore
Until my heart desiccates.


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