Karan Soneji Β  (Karan Soneji)
49 Followers Β· 19 Following

Writer from Heart❀,
Do check my website and you can contact me straight. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„
Joined 7 October 2019

Writer from Heart❀,
Do check my website and you can contact me straight. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„
Joined 7 October 2019
20 JUN 2022 AT 21:33

My Love for you is Genuine,
You are the person whom I have Loved the most,
Not only Once but I have loved you again and again,
You are my Dream Girl,
Whom I have kissed for the first time in my Dream,
You are my best part of Life,
Whom I have shared all my Pros & Cons,
You are my Empire,
Whom I never want to Leave,
You are the Queen of my World,
Whom I have shared all my Feelings and Emotions,
Your Love for me is Incredible,
Which I never ever expected in my Life before,

Yes, You are the only Girl in the Whole World,
Whom I have considered the Goddess of My Heart.....


20 FEB 2022 AT 21:57

Someone asked me,
Who is that girl with you?

I smiled and said,
She is the Love of my Life,
She is the Lifeline of my Heart,
She is the Queen of my Dreams,
She is the Emotions of my Feelings,

Inshort she is everything to me,
Which can never be expressed in Words...



27 DEC 2021 AT 20:15

I met a girl,
Whose love for me was Priceless,
Who taught me that love don't have any Boundaries,
With whom every single Moment of mine was Uncountable,
Whose words made me Smile,
Whose Innocent face made me Love her,
She taught me the perfect meaning of Love,


Yes, that love of her for me was Pure and Unconditional...


16 AUG 2021 AT 22:57

Someone asked me,
Why do you Smoke?

I smiled and said,
Compared to people,
Smoking hurts Less...


14 AUG 2021 AT 22:24

Someone asked me,
Why are you so Kind to people?

I smiled and said,
Being Kind to someone doesn't cost me anything,

But then a reply came,

Do you know there is no value of Emotional and Kind people in this world?

And that really hit me Hard....


4 AUG 2021 AT 22:38

Talking to you always makes my Day,
Sharing with you always lowers my Stress,
Seeing you every morning always makes me Happy,
Hearing your voice always soothens my Mind,
Feeling your voice in every chat you send,
Makes me feel very close to you.


Losing you from my life is like my body without the Spirit.


1 AUG 2021 AT 10:27

A girl with lots of Dreams,
And lots of Courage,
With the inspiring Journey,
Who has came to win the world with her Heart,
Whose journey has lots of Inhibitions,
Still she is an Embolden Personality for many,

With all this success and failures,
She is still Glowing and Growing,
By Conquering her dreams...

Her name is Agam Sachdeva...❀


1 AUG 2021 AT 9:34

You just holded my hand in Dark,
When there was no one by my side.
When everyone gave up on me,
You just stayed with me,
You always inspired me..
You gave your shoulder to cry,
But at the same time, You just supported me to come up.
The way we met I will never forget you in my life
And will never forget your efforts for staying by My Side.. ❀


15 MAR 2021 AT 22:23

Someone asked me,
Why are you so Silent?

I smiled and said,
Nothing, Just the Heart is Broken,
But that doesn't matter,
If someone is fed up with you, leave 'em
It's Better to be Remembered, than to be a Burden in someone's life...


13 MAR 2021 AT 8:11

Till now met so many temporary people,
Who came into my life,
Promised to stay but eventually Left.
But a Girl whom I met years ago,
We had innumerable fights and arguments,
I always hurted her feelings,
And she always forgave me,
She never promised to stay with me,
But whenever I message her till today,
She always messages me back instantly.
She is always there to listen to me,
No she is not my Girlfriend nor she is my Best friend,
But Yes someone's efforts do Matter...


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