Kajal Tripathi   (Mad)
50 Followers · 9 Following

Piddi but bhut he zyada ziddi , you are not any1 to juDge me gO and jUdge your self FrsT
Joined 22 April 2020

Piddi but bhut he zyada ziddi , you are not any1 to juDge me gO and jUdge your self FrsT
Joined 22 April 2020
23 FEB 2021 AT 21:46

FoR mE fREedOm iS indEpEndEnCy oF hAvinG yOur oWn opiNioN aboUt yOu in deCisIonS oF yOur liFe


23 FEB 2021 AT 21:39



23 FEB 2021 AT 21:33

SomEtimEs iTs sO uncOmfOrtable anD unbEliEvaBle tO tRusT thAt hOw fASt pEoplE cAn chaNage theiR emoTionS and thEir fEelinGs toWardS yOu.


16 DEC 2020 AT 0:16

LiFe is a cOlleCtion oF hAppinEsse, sadness, emotions, uPs AnD doWns, lOvE anD hAte gOod expEriEnces aNd lifE teAchinG chAptErs oUr liFe iS fUll oF dRamA. SO tAke cHill piLl anD grOw Up. 🥰


29 NOV 2020 AT 1:30

NoW a dAys moRe thAn wiShinG gOod niGht iS bEtteR tO saY stAy hOme stAy sAfe, weAr mAsk whErevEr yOu gO juSt tAke cAre oF yOur seLf anD othErs tOo.


5 SEP 2020 AT 9:35

ThEre is nO bEttEr teAcheR raTher thAn yoUr paRenTs aNd yOur bAd tiMes beCause boTh wiLl tEacH yOu a VeRy trUe thiNg aT a veRy gOod tiMe.
HaPpy teAcheRs dAy tO mY paRents anD tO alL mY bAd tiMeS.


4 SEP 2020 AT 0:41

NevEr evEr truSt anYonE wiTh full of yOur hEart, becaUse oNe daY yOu wiLl be stAbbeD bY yoUr mOst trUstwOrthY perSon


3 SEP 2020 AT 23:49

YOu weRe thEre whEn nO oNe cAres, yoU cAtched whEn nO onE, yOu sIt bAck whEn eVerYone leFt, yOu loVe whEn eVerYone hAtes
So whY yoU leFt thAn, nOw whO wiLl sAy aM hEre dO whAtevEr yOu lOve.


3 SEP 2020 AT 23:41

1. ReAlly wAnt tO gO to hEll becAuse mY budDy is WaItIng theRe.

2. In aRms oF mY beSt frIenD becAuSe he iS nOt hEre tO hOld mE.

3. LaSt mma's lAp sO thAt I cAn gEt thE peAce


3 SEP 2020 AT 23:33

I dO cRazy thiNgs, I laUgh lOad sO that I Can reLeAse the stRess, sTop tAlking tO evEryOne sO thAt I cAn heAl


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