Jumitalukdar Jumitalukdar ย  (Jumi)
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Joined 29 January 2018

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Joined 29 January 2018
10 MAY 2022 AT 22:19

I wonder why people ended up giving up on each other so soon,

well little did I know that I had never been able to UNLOVE my person like they do!


27 APR 2018 AT 9:37

Happiness or adjustment?


27 OCT 2021 AT 16:13

You may try to treat them very well but some people just doesn't need it or deserve it!


17 MAR 2021 AT 22:19

The past, still has the competency to haunt me.
It lurks at me from a distant corridor and entangles me in its grip.
At times, I want to get disappeared and to be seen by nobody.
But I move on daily, for, I know that's something merely viable.


21 JAN 2021 AT 23:47

As I lay over the bed, the midnight crushes me with thoughts of undeniable pasts and horrors.
The past that I will be a part of till eternity.
Past that haunts me every night as my dreams dwindle slowly and leaves me with a fear of dreaming again deliberately!


7 JAN 2021 AT 14:00

Amidst every thoughts of mine influenced with resentment of yours, I had always believed you to be mine.

Even though we weren't meant to be together, you still held power on me, as if we were two peebles flowing through the water into different directions yet emerged from the same river.


7 DEC 2020 AT 23:49

Beneath the sky suffused with bright stars and cold breeze,
one day we will see the moon together again....,like we own it.


2 DEC 2020 AT 22:53

Some dim nights often comes along with the endure of haunting thoughts.
Thoughts of me growing up and being pushed to the guild of sanity and virtue, that I no longer have the ease of diversion.


22 NOV 2020 AT 14:26

As her childhood never seemed to end, she longed to grow up and
become an adult. Free of fears, independent, reliant and to sleep with peace.

Here she is now! Growing up as an early adult to the phase of the middle one.
Now she longs to go back to where she was. Because there is enormous pain in growing up and having responsibilities around.
Her life is making her realise with every little evidences daily that it's going to be tougher than what she has already encountered. Her fears has returned and now it's different than what it was. Responsibilities, duty, dreams and losing her parents is now what she fears!


8 NOV 2020 AT 9:12

The golden field was making it evident that asperity can lead to a beautiful satisfying end!



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