Paul J   (searching)
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Joined 25 May 2017

Joined 25 May 2017
16 APR AT 0:27

Oh dear moon, kindly whisper to him gently,
of the love that's been there since I turned seventeen
and the love that will be there till I ever be
For I still love him, endlessly...


5 APR AT 2:51

Is it too late now to try and mend our silence?
I'm drowning in this silence, feeling as hollow as if my very existence lacked meaning without you by my side.
Was I so swiftly erased from your thoughts?
Why did our conversations cease?
Did I fall short of your standards?
Every moment is consumed by thoughts of you, yet I struggle to banish them from my mind. I go through the motions, hoping to move forward, only to find myself back where we left off, questioning what went awry.

Sometimes, in the quiet moments, I find myself wondering, do you feel the ache of my absence as deeply as I feel yours, or it's just me who's desperately clinging to the echoes of our past, alone in this longing?


27 MAR AT 23:14

Filling the void with cigarettes and the sighs of nature,
yet you seem to be lingering amidst the smoke and the matters.


21 MAR AT 23:47

Perhaps I'll love you until eternity, reminiscing about those moments we shared – the laughter, the love, the connection that once filled my days with joy.
You're the one who made me feel truly alive, who made me believe in love without conditions.
Yet, societal norms have entangled my physical being, hindering the pursuit of my soul's desire—to be with you, and only you. My body succumbed to the fear of rejection, thwarting any attempt to pursue the love I long for, the love that belongs to you alone.


12 MAR AT 22:10

...and all of a sudden, as the evening of March settles in, a wave of longing for you crashes over me. But the thought of initiating a conversation fills me with discomfort, wondering what words could bridge the gap between us. It's you who turned away, lost in your own busyness. I would never have treated you like this, and if I had, I'd apologize endlessly. Sometimes I wish we had never crossed paths, then my heart wouldn't ache like this. It feels unbearable now, trapped behind the impenetrable 'wall of silence' separating us. I yearn to scale that wall, to leap into your arms, but what if you're not there to catch me?


4 MAR AT 23:58

I stepped into the washroom and gently secured the lock behind me, seeking solace within its walls. I caught sight of her on the left—a girl in a sweatshirt adorned with the words "Too glam to give a damn."

Our eyes met, a fleeting connection in the midst of our separate worlds.

Summoning courage, I dared to inquire, "What weighs upon your heart, causing tears to blur your gaze?" She attempted to avert her gaze, but I pressed on, "Do you ever find yourself on the precipice of giving up?"
Her response lingered in the air, a poignant silence enveloping us.

Meeting her tear-filled gaze, she posed a question that pierced my soul, "Does the ache of emptiness haunt you enough to seek solace in these chance encounters?"

In that moment, a smile played across my lips, mirrored by the reflection in the lime green framed mirror, as I realized that I was both the questioner and the questioned, the seeker and the sought, lost in the depths of my own reflection.


21 FEB AT 0:58

The moon, veiled within the clouds, captivates my heart. I endeavor to capture its essence in photographs, yet it indulges in a whimsical game of hide and seek with me. My affection for the moon remains unwavering, embracing each of its phases with adoration. Even if it chooses to withhold its splendor from my camera lens, I shall continue to cherish it through the lens of my eyes alone.
Could it be that you are my moon, casting your enchanting glow upon my soul?


20 JUL 2023 AT 1:35

In search of wisdom, I wander through my past,
Revisiting chapters, lessons that still last,
But emotions flare up, a fierce burning desire,
To purge every page with a consuming fire.

Yet I must endure, confront the pain I find,
Within those old pages, the gems I must bind,
For growth lies not in ashes, but in the quest,
To embrace my story, and learn from it best.


14 JUN 2023 AT 11:00

Amidst the whirlwind's dance, I find my fear,
Entangling in a tale, once lost, now near.
Charming wind beckons, capturing my breath,
Yet, let not my green porch suffer a tragic death.

Oh, gentle breeze, spare my haven, I implore,
Let not destruction cover its peaceful floor.
For in dust and yellow leaves, a sorrow weaves,
I yearn for serenity, where beauty relieves.

For in this dance of shadows and light,
I yearn for solace, a respite, bright.
Hopeful, I navigate this unknown tide,
To find myself, where beauty can't hide.


20 MAY 2023 AT 20:29

I was riding across the city hoping to let some of my sadness out when this guy passed me adjacent to a flyover. He was riding on a silver Enfield. My attention was suddenly drawn to the T-shirt he was wearing, which read, "Four wheels move a body, Two wheels move a soul." While ascending through the bridge, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I spotted the traffic lights from a distance, and when I got close to the intersection, they turned from red to green. It appeared to be a message from the Universe instructing me to settle down and go home...


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