Jennifer Carolina   (lovewhatsin)
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Poetry & short stories
IG @lovewhatsin ✍🏼
Joined 27 August 2019

Poetry & short stories
IG @lovewhatsin ✍🏼
Joined 27 August 2019
31 MAR 2020 AT 2:43

If trees could speak they would echo the truth of those that walked this earth. They will reveal all its beauty and triumphs they witnessed. Their roots will rip out of the dirt and gently cause an awakening in our souls. They will whisper wisdom creating a world wide affect. They are our reason we breathe, our reason why we are alive. Trees are gods sent to us, rested next to each and everyone of us. They stand so tall and quietly observe how we move on this earth. How we use our every breath they have gifted us with to follow our paths we are so passionate about. They are our gods dressed in vivid green beauty just watching us and how we live this life they have given us.


3 DEC 2019 AT 20:32

be told what to do and how to do it. No woman wants to be on edge as she goes about with her daily life. No woman wants to be criticized for the body god gifted her with. No woman wants to be put down by these standards that were created by egotistic men. No woman deserves to be raped, beaten, kidnapped and even shamed! No woman deserves to be less of just because “men” say so. No woman wants to follow these “rules” created by half men who are full of greed and hate in their hearts. Men who only want what’s best for them and not for us. Men who believe they are more when women are strong, powerful, nurturing, beautiful beings bringing life to this earth. These cowards only destroy this earth and the sheep’s that follow along with them. But no woman will allow a coward to tell her how to live her life and when to live it. Women stand tall and embrace what you have been blessed with! Live the life you desire and unite as one! I am proud to be born woman as I carry love through my veins and wisdom through my bones. We are a tribe of divine beings and that is why men try to control us. We are the powerful souls of this earth and men who believe so, walk with us.


14 OCT 2019 AT 22:32

I like long walks in nature. Especially in the morning. They inspire me to keep on going with this life of mine. To keep on following my passions and to make love my number one priority. Our time here is borrowed and long walks always calm my mind. It brings me peace and I always walk away with a fresh perspective. With my mind at ease and my heart pumping of joy I know I have something new to look forward to. I know I can’t give up on the things that set my soul on fire. I know I must make myself happy In the things that speak to me. I know I have to push myself and to never let me settle in situations that will only sink me. These walks are a breath of fresh air


24 SEP 2019 AT 5:06

Night has always been my solitude. Laying on my couch as I rewind all the moments of my day. Listening and understanding my choices to better understand myself. Learning to be uncomfortable to be comfortable. Sitting next to the window in complete silence hoping inspiration hits me. Listening to my favorite slow song as I lay my body flat on my mat. Releasing my burdens on this windy summer night, this is my therapy.


20 SEP 2019 AT 0:28

We met at a book shop, two souls yearning for infatuation on days like these. Days that not even a book could satisfy their every quench. I took my time gliding my fingers getting lost in the crunch of each page. Feeling an urge for something new, something exciting that awakens all my senses. I searched and searched, taking a sip of my coffee melting in desire. Excitement took a hold of me,
I found the book that spoke to me. I reached to pick it up when a masculine hand gently touched mine. We locked eyes and I giggled as he smiled. His beautiful brown eyes took a hold of me. In his deep sexy voice he introduced himself. We both know in this very moment, we both found what we were looking for.


19 SEP 2019 AT 3:53

If you desire, I will be this radiant energy that uplifts your heavy soul. I will nurture you in my
female energy, soaking up your pain and struggles. I will shift your mind to create beautiful sweet words because that is who you are. Sad words, painful sounds, fragile heart, it will all dissolve in those tears of yours that broke you. Those words of yours that hurt you. If you desire, I will be whom you need me to be. Leaving you with love in your eyes, savoring every moment in life because that is what you deserve. You deserve to love yourself. If I desire, you will be happy In your own existence.


10 SEP 2019 AT 2:25

Sometimes, life is not about accomplishments. Sometimes life is about letting go and relaxing the mind. Accepting the process and living in the moment. Sometimes, life is not about always trying to be this perfect person just to show others that you have it all together. Life is about taking each day to stand in your truth. Letting yourself feel and decompress what no longer serves you. You don’t always feel your best, you don’t always have the answer, and you most certainly don’t need to put on this front as that will only push you further away from all things that are already meant for you. Sometimes, life is not about the chaos that surrounds you. Sometimes life is about seeing past it, accepting it, and letting go.


7 SEP 2019 AT 1:23

So what if it’s Friday.. I am still home surrounded by my peace, my love, my energy. My body laid on the couch, candles lit enhancing the smell of sweet pumpkin pie. My mind relaxed, cozy under a blanket ready to indulge in this steamy book where art and lust take over. So what if it’s Friday, I am still home because I enjoy my alone time. Infatuated by the way my mind drifts on this chilly gloomy day. Hearing the sound of the rain and the rapid winds inviting themselves in. I love the loudness silence creates, the way it makes me feel, the mood that takes over. I love my home on a Friday night. So what if it’s Friday, I am still home and that is enough.


6 SEP 2019 AT 4:14

I wait for the time when me and you have a lifetime ahead of us, together forever. I wait for you to tell me all the good things you’ve seen in me, looking down at me since the day you left this earth. I wait for that day of you looking into my eyes and holding me, putting my pieces back together that only you can fix. Us holding one another and you’re existence filling that emptiness I always carried. I wait for the time of living in another world where me and you talk for hours, with happiness and joy in our hearts. I wait for the time our worlds collide and we spill out how unfortunate it has been to have lived in a world where me and you were separated. Where only having you in spirit was the only way of having you by my side. But In between waiting, I’m grateful for the life you have given me and your love and protection I have been blessed with.


5 SEP 2019 AT 2:51

Nights that don’t let me sleep are often those that become a vivid moment of what it will be like if you were here laying next to me. Creating scenes in my head as I grip on tightly to the sheets reminiscing on the nights we shared. Those nights became my every desire and you became my weakness.


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