Jaya Suriyan   (Jayasuriyan)
36 Followers · 2 Following

Joined 2 January 2018

Joined 2 January 2018
14 FEB AT 17:10

In the hallowed halls of our college,
A radiant brilliance caught my gaze,
My footsteps followed the luminous trail, Through days that blended into years.
In this journey, I became lost,
Yet, little did I fathom,
That the brilliance could render me sightless.

As the narrative unfolds,
I, now a blind guide,
Entreat others to shield their eyes,
From the unforeseen brilliance of life.

In the final chapter of this saga,
I, the blind storyteller,
Hold onto the whispering winds of hope,
Dreaming of a day, a realm,
Where the radiant light will once again illuminate my existence.


12 SEP 2023 AT 0:55

வசீகரிக்கும் வென்மேகதின் இடையில் பூத்த இருள் பூங்கா அவளது கண்கள்....

மீண்டும் மீண்டும் தொலைகிறேன், அந்த இமை பூத்து மறையும்பொழுது....

-‌ஜெய சூரியன் ☀️


29 AUG 2023 AT 22:40


My Unfetched Happiness


" I Let One Vein Entitle Years Of Ubiquity "

PS.- I may not be as expressive as you expect, but the longing introvert in me always wishes to say this only to you.....

Hope Someday You Could Decode this message


15 JUL 2023 AT 19:29

In The Library Of Emotions,

I'm the book you never cared to read
But in me,
You are the verse I keep highlighting....!


28 JUN 2022 AT 13:54

நீ பிரிந்து சென்றாலும்,

நான் இறந்தேவிட்டாலும்,

நான் எழுதிய கவிதைகள்

உன்னை என்றென்றும் காதலித்துக் கொண்டே இருக்கும்....!


25 MAY 2022 AT 22:13

In the Nights Of Love

Memories Shine Brighter Than The Stars

No Matter How Hard The Past Dwelled In The Dark...


31 MAR 2022 AT 16:56

The World Is Cruel Enough To Tear Us Apart


The Memories We Made Together didn't...


26 NOV 2021 AT 12:38

Learn to observe things on its actual context


Express it in a way that conquers the stage

Or Atleast

Confuse the audience to believe


26 AUG 2021 AT 11:47

How much you love me..... She asked

It's the same amount of love, the sun has on moon,

"The Love that makes sun to die every night just to make the moon breathe all night in bliss..."

... He replied


9 AUG 2021 AT 6:59

Only Determination And Will Power Decides Who You Are...!!!


Stop Procrastinating And Start Doing..!!!


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