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Joined 2 May 2021

Joined 2 May 2021
26 MAY 2022 AT 11:00

God took care of everything! After I was done complaining and learned to be okay with whatever upheavals life sends, that's when God made me realize it's all perfectly okay...

When I accepted and surrendered, God sequestered my daily existence to always be layered amidst moments of pure joy and love; and that is my living truth!


26 MAY 2022 AT 9:09

Realization allows you
to love all of creation,
just as it is!


25 MAY 2022 AT 5:15

Dear God,

I have a dear friend who is going through the pangs of being unloved.

Such a big family, yet to the corner she has been shoved!

May your love be enough to give her the courage to go on.

Hold her close and pour all your love on her, so that she knows she needs nothing else.

With your love she can make it through all the hate and insecurity with a smile on her face, a joke in her spirit, and the faith of your love.

You brought me through a lot of darkness, yet you always kept me in the light; please do it for her too!


13 MAY 2022 AT 2:53

If you feel an emotion that makes you very upset,
It's a lonely shadow reaching out from a lower realm,
Darkness formed in weakness trying to keep you from being blessed,
Fight back against fear, do not get overwhelmed!

You have everything you need to get you through the day,
Keep your heart pure and rooted in grace,
For tomorrow's abundance and strength is promised, that is God's way...
Life's a wonder - let love and courage light up your space!


28 APR 2022 AT 5:35

When you have experienced even for a moment, how much God adores you; and how perfect a space you occupy in this cosmos,

Even that one moment of divine love can make up for all the tough stuff that comes in.

God's love and grace over your life is your seal of protection and strength.

Know your place in the Lord's heart❤


6 APR 2022 AT 0:18

It's taken millenia for humans to finally learn what mattered,

Until all-consuming greed beckoned to the darkness inside man, and life as you know it shattered!

Sin covers the Earth! Shame on the selfish leaders of the World for leaving us all bloody, bruised and battered.

#nomorekilling! #savelife #resisttheevil #nomorecruelty #endthewar #speakout #prayforpeace


1 APR 2022 AT 7:05

Choose to love people, rather than focus on their flaws,
If you let your judgement condemn them, it means you need to take a pause.

Everybody's timing to overcome a struggle is dictated personally by God.
So extend love and understanding, support each other and don't be a fraud!


24 FEB 2022 AT 18:28

When you're experiencing the ride of your life,
Do you give glory to God or think it's you that did it?


2 OCT 2021 AT 0:35

The moments of night are calm and still,
No more thinking about stupid bills!

This time holds a certain grace, if you will;
So open your soul and have your fill...


2 OCT 2021 AT 0:27

Finding nothing is no proof of anything🏴‍☠️
Keep looking however and jackpot - ding-a-ling-ling-ling!🌺


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