Jacinta Colney  
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Joined 31 August 2017

Joined 31 August 2017
16 MAR 2023 AT 7:29


Believe in yourself because you are intelligent,
Believe in yourself because you know you can,
Believe in yourself because your strength is powerful.

Be kind in your approach and laugh wholeheartedly,
Be strong in your will and learn to love wholesomely,
Be determined in your beliefs and live life abundantly.

Mistakes can happen but let that be a lesson you learn,
Self-doubt may lurk but don't let that break your purpose,
Crying should help you to ease your pain and not weigh you down.

Trust in God the Almighty for He can rescue you,
Pray to Him for guidance for He won't look away,
Entrust in him for He has your back.


21 FEB 2023 AT 10:56

My darling daughter Sarah,
Tomorrow is your birthday and here I am having mixed emotions all over again. As youngsters I remember how scared we were of growing older and not getting to experience our full potential.
When I see you, observe you to this lady that you have become,I'm filled with immense joy.
My advice for your years to come is to always believe in your capabilities, know your potential and never be threatened by a healthy competition. Choose friends wisely. You should always look for these qualities in Friends.
1. Loyal
2. Honest
3. Supportive
4. Point out your faults
5. Faithful
6. Shoulder to Lean On
I hope you have the best birthday and remember I love you with every beat of my heart 💜


25 SEP 2022 AT 9:31


Choose to be happy because a smile and kind words are infectious.

Choose to be thankful to your past as you have learnt a meaningful lesson.

Choose to feel grateful to your families and friends who are always around.

Choose to be excited because it's only you who is in charge of your future.

Choose to feel blessed because you have survived another day.


2 SEP 2021 AT 8:37


Don't blame God if the decision was made by you.

Don't play the victim card when you took the risk while knowing the consequences it could bring.

As humans it feels so comfortable just to point someone or a situation for all the mishaps that has occurred in our lives. But in the back of our minds...we do know that we played some part too.

Why don't we try and change the course by acknowledgeing the fact that we are at fault to some extent too. Let's stop whining and look for a way to rework on it to yield better results.


29 AUG 2021 AT 17:53


We stare silently but a thoughtful gaze,
Pointing out she knows me way better!
How fake I can be sometimes!
How realistic I may sound at times!
What a bitch I can be most times!

How positive I can be sometimes!
How unforgiving I may sound at times!
What a diva I can be most times!

My made up candid pose!
My pouty duck face pose!
My cute Korean chick pose!
My Kardashians and Jenners pose!

My camera and I share a moment of laughter at my facade;
Reminding me I'm trying too hard just for a record on Facebook or Instagram.
Post a picture and wait for comments,
Impatiently for that beautiful moment!


27 AUG 2021 AT 10:00

Recognizing the difference between being judgemental and understanding requires the willingness to believe that even a good hearted person can make a poor judgement!

When we judge too soon, we isolate ourselves from the truth hidden in plain sight.


26 AUG 2021 AT 9:29


Everybody has a temper.

The difference is, a sensible person knows it's not always wise to wear your heart on your sleeves.

A fool may merely display their anger and wrath to boost their ego which by the way in the long run can be an embarrassment.


3 JUL 2021 AT 11:41


People come to our life and some leave
You stayed on and made me believe

You've helped me through all the tough times
And I hope I've done the same to you at times

True friendship like ours is here to stay
Look at us now where we are today

If our small town raves about our story
Let's bask in the sun and enjoy in every glory

We don't need drinks to bring back memories
When we can talk and recreate our stories

- Jacinta Colney


30 JUN 2021 AT 11:30


As we grow older, our perspective changes, we become more subtle in our approach to life in general.

The rebel teen now has the ability to accept and move on without keeping any grudges.

The wild child now oddly calls herself a homebody and seems to fit the bill perfectly.

The vengeful blood now thrives for making peace and dances in one tune with everyone.

The once lost girl now finds her way through the darkest tunnel with no fear.

Mend and not destroy.
Value and not find faults.
Forgive and not detest.
Laugh and not whine.
Love and not hate.
Pray and not ignore.


12 FEB 2021 AT 19:31


There is no end to learning, sometimes we need to unlearn the things we have learnt, (which by the way, is still learning) in order to accommodate ourselves to the new environment.

Don't limit yourselves from exploring, be curious, be eager, be keen.

If harsh words can belittle you, avoid using them.

If a smile can light up the room, don't frown.

Give, not because you expect, but because you love.


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